Chapter 18

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By the next morning, videos and photos of the fight were all over the internet. The headlines of every online newspaper were the same. 'Alena Rose? A refugee or a danger'.  The articles were pretty similar and went along the same lines. I clicked on a link to a gossip magazine that had a double page spread on me complete with the blurry images from Sokovia and the fight.

'Is Alena Rose a danger to society? A month after the events of Sokovia, the mysterious fog around Alena Rose  has started to clear. Alena was a HYDRA prisoner and during the events of Sokovia, was freed and taken under the wing of Avenger and billionaire, Tony Stark. When brought to America- she was taken in by Stark- having no known family. In a statement made by Nick Fury( head of SHIELD) he confirmed her father had American citizenship but who is he? How did she end up at HYDRA?  Nothing is known of Alena's past. At first glance, an innocent 16 year old, but a video that went viral last night has countered this. Fury claimed she was not a danger to society but this video says otherwise. A fight broke out between her and another student which resulted in the other girl getting very injured and  Imogen grabbing a knife, thankfully stopping herself before she did any damage. Peter Parker, a friend, fellow student and apprentice of Tony Stark, was injured by Alena during the fight. All injuries have been deemed non critical. This mysterious girl is free to walk down our streets but after seeing this video, should she not be locked up? 

So that was it. There was no way of hiding it because everyone knew. Everyone knew I was crazy, everyone knew I should be locked up. Someone must have given information to them. Peter? No, he is annoying but i don't think he would betray Tony like that. Who am i kidding, any teenager with half a brain and money in there hand would spill. I threw my phone on the bed and i sat at the large windows as i stared out at the city. That's where i spent most of my time for the first week, only coming out of the room for meal times which were usually silent. Peter had called and texted me numerous times during the week asking if i was ok, telling me to ignore the newspaper(How could i they were plastered everywhere) but i ignored them all. 5 days into my suspension and grounding, i was lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to not think when i heard something through the ceiling.

At first it was just a thud but then it became a beat, a rhythm, and one i recognized . I sat up slightly as the tune reminded me of distant memories. I stood up, straining my ears to hear the song. I could only hear snippets of the lyrics every few beats or so but i could fill in the gaps. Slowly, i opened the bedroom door and peered outside. The song was coming from the floor above. I had never gone up to the 93rd floor, never too curious what was up there but now i was. I walked downstairs, the music fading for a moment and ascended the second set of staircases that I had never been up before. The words started to become clear again. "Call me! On the line, call me, call me anytime." The words went. "You can call me any day or night." I knew every word, every change in key. I stepped into the large room and peered round to get a view.  It was a circular room, the same size as the kitchen and living room. It was scattered with random pieces of metal and technology and around the wall was a line of variations of the Iron Man suit. From a record player, boomed the song. I stepped into the room and spotted Tony over by a machine. "Ok, Friday can you just tweak the earpiece, add the mask build up action to the touch pad." He instructed loudly over the music. "No problem Sir. Action completed." A cool female voice  said back. In front of him in a case similar to the ones the iron man suits stood in, was a black suit. I  took another step inside, look around the room with interest. This must be where Tony created all his tech. I wondered what he was working on now. 

"Clara." I turned back to where Tony stood and realized the music had turned down and he had stopped working. "I don't know why you continue insisting on calling me that when you were the one who said it was dangerous to." I quipped. He crossed his arms in that smart-arse way he always did. "Well actually it was Fury who insisted." I didn't say anything"Are you ok? Do you need anything?" He asked. I didn't answer his question, just walked up to the record player. The record playing was 'call me' by Blondie. "This song." I stated. "I know it." Although i couldn't exactly pin point where from or how i knew every word. Tony placed down the tool he was holding and looked at his feet before looking back up at me. "It was your mom's favorite." He said. That was right. A vague memory, so long ago it was blurry. I remembered this song playing loudly in the kitchen as she spun me around until i was dizzy. I must have only been 5. "Yes, i remember." I muttered. "It was all she played when i knew her." Tony added, reminiscing slightly. I turned to him, suddenly desperate to know more. "Do you remember anything else about her?" I asked. He thought for a second and then smiled ever so slightly. "She was fearless, the type of person to ride the highest rollercoaster over and over again for fun." I smiled too, imagining it perfectly in my mind. "But she had this habit of popping up when you least expected it. You wouldn't hear from her in weeks and then one night you would walk into a bar and there she would be like she had been waiting for you all along." Tony stared into the distance with a look in his eyes for a few moments before snapping out of it.

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