Chapter 22

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I visited the avengers compound the next day so i could speak to Wanda. She laughed when i told her about Peter. "Well it was pretty obvious don't you think? He practically worships your feet and he got you those earrings for your birthday." I had never noticed any of it. I assumed it was all because of Tony. "You feel guilty don't you?" Wanda said with a sullen tone. I stared into my lap and nodded. "I do too. I feel guilty for just being alive and living my life." I held back a tear that pricked at my eye. "I just..." I sighed. "I don't think i will ever stop loving him." I told her. "And it just feels like i'm still his and if anyone else was to have me, they would be replacing him." Wanda pressed her hand on mine. "No one will ever replace Pietro." She said surely. "But you have to live your life, you have to move on." I shook my head. "I can't move on." I stated. Wanda shook her head too. "No, i can't either." She looked at me again. "So we must try and live with out the pain. For him. It's what Pietro would have wanted." 

The weekend was long, but it ended eventually and i had to go back to school. I said goodbye to Happy and spotted Peter waiting hopefully on the curb. He rushed up to me, calling my name, but i blew past him. He tried catching up with me but he gave up. I contemplated going to home room, but there would be no escaping Peter there. Instead, i went to the bathroom and locked my self in a stall. I already had a text from MJ asking where i was. Soon after i had a text come through from Peter. 'Where are you? Home room has started.' It read. Just as i was about to put my phone away, another text came through. 'I hope we can talk.' I pressed my lips together and ignored the messages. I clicked on Natasha's contact and hit call. It rung a few times before she picked up. "Alena?" I held the phone to my ear and spoke. "Can you come pick me up from school?" I asked hopefully. "Didn't you just get there?" She asked, skeptically. "Yes, but this place is so stupid and i can't stand it for another minute." I exclaimed. Nat laughed on the other end of the phone. "Ok, meet me outside in 10." She replied. "Ok, see you." I said before hanging up. I sighed with relief. I didn't want to be with in 100 meters of peter right now. I waited the 10 minutes and then left the bathroom stall. I walked through the halls, keeping my head down. I glimpsed Peter and i think he saw me too because he raised his hand to wave but decided half way up not to. I walked through the foyer towards the big double doors. "Excuse me!" The receptionists high pitched voice called after me. "Miss Rose, do you have an appointment or something because you will have to sign out first." I ignored her and pushed open the double doors. I spotted Nat  sitting upon her motorbike right in front of the school. I strode towards her.

A few people stood outside, some skipping, some on a free period. They stared at Nat curiously, her face covered with her helmet. She handed me a black helmet when i reached her and i took it, shoving it on my hand. I clambered on to the back of the bike as people continued to stare. "Hold on tight." She instructed as i wound my arms around her waist. "I remember what to do." I told her. "Oh and don't tell Tony about this." She added. The engine revved and the school quickly became smaller as we whizzed down the road. The wind whipped through my hair and a smile curved on my mouth. I had missed things like this.

 I didn't think Nat had a particular destination until she pulled up outside a mostly empty cafe. I followed her inside, she bought me a coffee and we sat down. "Now why were you so desperate to leave school?" She asked, leaning forward. I furrowed my brows. "I told you the place is shit." I told her. She narrowed her eyes. "Well that's obvious. But i think you forget how well i know you and how good i am at reading people." Nat said, leaning back into her chair. I raised my brows and shook my head. "I don't know what you are talking about." Nat cocked her brow. 

I looked down at my drink and sighed. "Me and Peter got into an argument." I admitted. "I found out that he..." I found it hard to say it because it infuriated me so much. "That he likes you." Nat finished for me. I looked up in surprise. "Oh come on Alena." She said, being careful not to use my real name in public. "you must have known."  He followed you around like a puppy dog. I mean me and the rest of the avengers were practically making bets on when you would get together." I took a sip of my drink. "I thought it was because of Tony." I told her. "Oh honey there's no denying that element. That boys weirdly obsessed with him." She laughed and i couldn't help but laugh a little too. "But you can be pretty compelling with out even realizing it." I think it was meant to be a compliment but i just felt bad. The red room had always taught us to use the power we had as attractive women to get what we wanted. I feel guilty that peter finds me alluring, like I'm leading him to his death like all those men before. "He needs to realize who i really am, that he shouldn't be compelled by me." I muttered. Nat pressed her hand on the table. "And you need to realize that your not who you think you are." 

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