chapter 43

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After i was kicked out of school, I had nothing to do but stay at home. During the days i would occasionally help Tony in the lab or with some project he was working on. Otherwise i would be down at the compound with Rhodes, Vision and Tony. Vision was restless there with out Wanda and there was so few of us left. I visited their offices lots too, i wanted to see if Fury really meant what he said about me being able to talk to him whenever. So far his promise had rung true. He had told me all about my mother, shown me cases she had worked on and she had even worked closely with Agent Hill. 

In the afternoons and on the weekends i hung out with Peter. Sometimes we hung out with MJ and Ned too which was nice because the one thing i missed from school was seeing them and i felt like i had been missing out. 

It was on one of those weekends that I rushed downstairs at midday. Tony was sitting at the table, with multiple screens in front of him, probably working on something. "Where you going?" He asked with out looking up from the screen he was tapping on. "Out with Peter." I replied whilst grabbing my jacket. "Again? Didn't you just see him yesterday?" He asked with a sigh. "Yes, well I got kicked out of school so what else am I meant to do." I questioned feeling slightly annoyed. Tony put on a defensive face, "Nothing, i just think you need to spend time with other people too. It seems all you do is hang out with him." he stated. "I hang out with MJ and Ned too." I reminded him. Tony sighed again. "Yes, when Peter's there." 

I rolled my eyes and pulled on my jacket. "I think you forget my other friends left." I muttered. "Yes, i remember." Tony mumbled under his breath. I was feeling extremely agitated now and perhaps i could have left it, but i had questions i wanted answered. "Why are you so against him? I thought you loved Peter?" I accused. Tony looked up from his work and narrowed his eyes. "I liked Peter when he was your friend but-" I scoffed, not letting him finish. "Oh not this whole protective father who doesn't like the people i hang out with." I muttered with great annoyance. "Remember that you don't get that privilege considering we only met 18 months ago." I argued. Tony clenched his teeth. "I don't mind you hanging out with him, in fact i think he would be good for you." He said matter-of-factly. "Then what's the problem?" I asked with frustration. "Either you like him or you don't like him make up y-"

"Because I don't want you getting attached to him and then something bad happening to him like it did with Pietro." Tony snapped. My mouth was open, half way through a sentence but the corners were turned down. I retracted, straightening up suddenly. Tony looked annoyed and slightly embarrassed. " Look, it's clear that you and Peter are more than just friends. But I'm just concerned that it will be very hard for you when it ends." My breath stopped and then i regained my composure. "When it ends?" I questioned. Tony stumbled back over his words, "I just mean if something goes wrong or if something happens." Because something always went wrong, something always happens. Surely i had learnt that by now. But it was Peter. I clutched to him with every ounce of my being, not letting him slip away. 

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Peter walked into the corner shop and greeted the owner like they were old friends. The place was small and more of a half corner shop half deli. The shelves were cramped with crisps, sweets, biscuits- the majority with half price stickers on them. Peter said that he comes here most days and that I just had to try the sandwiches. On the back wall, the shelves were filled with newspapers and magazines. The headline of one read 'Avengers still on the run' with a picture of Steve and Nat. I had no idea where either were but Nat was good at running so I doubted I would find out any time soon. "I'll have a number 5 with extra pickles." Peter told the shopkeeper. "Clara what do you want?" He asked me. I turned around at the shopkeeper with the expectant look on his face and looked behind him at the large board filled with options. "I'll just have what you're having." I said, which seemed to be a sandwich with pickles, salami and cheese. 

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