Chapter 38

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Zemo was taken by Secretary Ross and then me and Tony got on one of his private jets,  bloody and bruised. Whilst on the plane, i re did the dressing on my stomach. "How's it feeling?" Tony asked as i cleaned it with an antiseptic wipe. "it's okay, it might take a while to heal, might scar but it will be fine after." I replied. He passed me the bottle of ointment and i dabbed it on the scar. The bruise had turned purple and green now and spread across a large portion of my stomach and side. I finished dressing it and then moved on to my more minor injuries. I taped up the gash on my cheek, the cut on my jaw and the old wound on my brow that had burst open again during the fight. I texted Peter, telling him we were on our way home and would be arriving soon. In all that had happened in the past 3 days, a small kiss that meant nothing really shouldn't have been on my mind so much, but i couldn't shake it. I had gotten a flow of texts from Ned and MJ. I opened MJ's first. 'The Shadow Hunter really?' 'I'm not surprised to be honest, i kind of worked it out a while ago.' 'Gotta say, your big reveal aside, the rest of the footage of you kicking the crap out of that  Barnes dude was impressive.'

Tony had turned on the tv to look at the news coverage. We were first met with mugshots of Wanda and the others and a wave of guilt hit me. At the bottom large red text 'BREAKING: The Shadow hunters identity revealed as Clara Stark.' scrolled across the bottom. On the screen, the CCTV footage of me fighting James, my shield pouring out of me- blocking his punches and then my face, clear as day, as I looked up at the camera, before tapping on a button, the mask crawling across my face. A recording of a man, sat in a home office emerged on the screen as he gave his two cents. "What gives Clara Stark, an enhanced individual, with deadly training, the right to operate unwarranted in America let alone other countries. The Sokovia accords have been put in place for this exact reason, so people like her don't become a danger to society and get away with is because of her rich daddy."    

Then the screen returned to the news anchor. "Only hours before this CCTV footage was found- revealing Tony Stark's daughter as the infamous vigilante emerging in New York- SHIELD files were leaked revealing incriminating information about Clara's past, including her involvement in an illegal Russian human trafficking Organization, known as the red room. The authorities have made a list of murders possibly linked to Clara Stark including the well known mystery disappearing's of Ukrainian Communist Party leader, Yevgeny Primavoka, and Steven Bradford, a black market manufacturer that the police had searched for two years ago before letting the case go cold." Pictures of both my victims popped up on the screen.

"Since the leak of those files, Clara Stark has been linked to other criminal activity, such us her involvement in the notorious Child Trafficking gang, The Manhattan Santos." Another man popped up on the screen sat in what i assumed was his home office,  "She's been involved in all this crime, all these murders, she has possession of weapons, she has training of a killer, and now we know she has these powers. She is an assassin. The real question now that we need to ask is, is she a weapon? Should she be locked up or is it safe for her to be among civilization?" Am I a weapon? Of course I was, I always had been. The news anchor carried on, "Just a few minutes ago, an official warrant for Clara Stark's arrest-" Tony turned the tv off. 

I stayed silent. "It's not ideal." Tony said after a while- that was an understatement. I could see his mind ticking, trying to work out what he was going to do. "What are they going to do to me?" I muttered quietly, almost fearful to ask. "Nothing if i can help it." Tony said quickly. But It would take a lot of money to get me out of this one. The shadow hunter alone wasn't great. We had protected my enhancement for a reason, so I didn't face the same scrutiny as Wanda. People would think I was crazy- a witch like they called her. But my files. That was incriminating. I would get arrested for the things that had been revealed. If the HYDRA enhancement hadn't been bad enough, the information from the red room would show everyone I was dangerous. I would be locked up. 

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