Chapter 36

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I woke up early the next morning and was surprised to see Peter already awake. "Good morning." I said, quickly getting out of bed and grabbing clothes to get dressed. "Do you want me to make breakfast?" I shouted through the closed door of the bathroom as i pulled on my clothes. "yeah, if you'd like, that would be great." He replied, nodding, with a smile. We made our way down stairs to the kitchen. I started to pull ingredients out of the fridge and cupboards. I started to pour flour, milk and eggs in a bowl. "What are you making?" Peter asked with curiosity as he leant against the counter, passing me things every now and then. "Pancakes." I told him. "I love pancakes." He exclaimed. "My mum used to make them for me every year on my birthday for breakfast." I said and was suddenly hit with a longing. "I haven't had them in ages." I muttered. Whilst we took turns pouring the batter onto a pan and flipping them halfway through, me and Peter made small talk, but it all felt awkward. I hated it.

"Clara?" He asked. "Yes?" I replied, having a feeling i knew what was coming. "Erm, last night when-" The elevator doors opened and Happy came rushing in. I was glad for the interruption. "Clara, your awake, great." He looked over to Peter. "Oh and Peter's here, that's good, Peter's involved too." He processed for a second and then furrowed his brows. "Why is Peter here?" He asked, his eyes flitting between our faces. The pancake in front of me started to bubble and  I flipped it quickly.  "Breakfast." I said swiftly, pointing a the pan. "Ye, we were just...breakfast." Peter muttered nervously and rushed.  Happy mulled over and then raised his eyebrows, shook his head and carried on. "Peter you need to go home and pack, Clara you need to pack too." He explained. "Why? what's happening?" I asked urgently. "I'll explain everything on the plane." Happy replied. "Plane?" Peter questioned. Happy nodded, his phone binged and he checked it quickly, looking very busy. "Yes, your going to Berlin." Berlin? That's where Steve, Sam and Bucky were being held. "Forget about breakfast, although it does smell really good." Happy added, staring at the pancakes with greedy eyes. "We don't have much time, go and pack now, i'd pack for a week just to be safe." Peter started to rush towards the elevator before stopping and turning back. "Hang on, what do i tell Aunt May?" Peter asked. "Tell her you are going on another trip with Tony as part of the Stark internship." Happy said. He tapped his keycard so Peter could leave and as the doors closed, he called after him, "And bring your suit!" 

I ran upstairs, confused but also weirdly exhilarated about what was happening. I borrowed a suitcase from Tony's room, i had never had a use for one so i didn't own my own. I grabbed random clothes from my closet and chucked them inside. Downstairs i could hear Happy having a hurried conversation on the phone. I quickly went to Tony's lab and collected my suit and folded it into my case. I had left my activator on my bedside the night before because, although i wore it most of the time, it was uncomfortable to sleep with. I strapped it on my upper arm and carried my case downstairs to where Happy was waiting. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and so we jumped into the elevator. We went all the way down to the garage and opened the doors to the Ferrari, not the car Happy usually drove. "We have no time to waste." Happy explained as if he read my mind. We drove to Peter's and pulled up outside. He was already waiting on the curb with a suitcase and jumped in next to me. "Are we going to the airport?" Peter asked. "Yes." He replied plainly. "Shit." I muttered under my breath. "Happy, i don't have a passport!" I exclaimed. "That won't be a problem." He told me. I furrowed my brows but when we arrived at the airport, it made sense. Happy walked us straight onto the runway and to a small private Jet with 'Stark Industries' painted on the tail. 

Inside the plane, were large comfy seats set in pairs. Staff were on board with glasses of champagne. I reached for the glass but Happy took it from me. "Don't you dare." Happy said. "Why not?" I questioned. "You need to be alert." He told me, taking a gulp of the liquid. Mine and Peter's cases were placed in the holders above and then we strapped ourselves in to the seats for take off. Peter took out his phone and took pictures out of the window as we flew up into the sky. "It's my first time going to Germany!" He exclaimed excitedly. "Ok, enough of that, i need to explain to you what's happening." Happy said, leaning forward in his chair. Me and Peter payed attention and listened. "Rogers, Wilson and Barnes were arrested yesterday but last night they escaped." Happy started. "Secretary Ross has given Tony 36 hours to bring them in. There's a point where we are expecting Steve to show up and Tony will try to convince Rogers and the other two to hand themselves in, but things could get messy. We needed back up and that's where you two come in." Me and Peter looked at each other and then looked away, the eye contact awkward. "We have Romanoff, Rhodes and T'Challa on our side. We also have Vision but he is still back at the compound." I furrowed my brows. "Wait, back step. T'Challa? As in T'Challa of Wakanda?" I questioned. "Ye, he has this like cat costume he puts on, it's made of Vibranium or something. But he's an asset." Happy explained. "Bad news is, Rogers has roped Barton in and has collected Wanda from the compound." If this turned nasty, which it probably would, would i have to fight against Wanda, one of my best friends?

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