Chapter 17

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Tony didn't speak to me as he drove me back to Stark Towers. He didn't speak to me as we went up in the elevator. He only spoke to me when we stood in the middle of the lounge and kitchen in the penthouse. "What the hell were you thinking?" He groaned. I shook my head. "I didn't mean to, i wasn't trying to hurt her." I insisted. Tony scoffed loudly and his voice became louder as he spoke. "Really? Because the knife in your hand really made it look like you were!" I winced slightly, my lips pressing together. "You have been at that school for 2 weeks and you are already suspended, your lucky it isn't for longer." I rolled my eyes. "It's only for 2 weeks." I muttered. I gritted my teeth and folded my hands. "Your just mad that you have to have me around for them." I said, not quite shouting, but almost. Tony scoffed again. "That's not true." He mumbled. I raised my brows. Not very convincing. I sighed and started to walk towards the lift, having had enough of him and his empty words. "Where are you going?" He asked. "Out." I said "Not so fast. You're grounded." Tony announced. I stopped in my tracks and turned around slowly. "What?!" I yelled. Tony crossed his arms and stood his ground. "Whilst your living under my roof, it's my rules." He said. I laughed out loud. "That's stupid." I muttered, continuing to walk away. "I'm your dad and you have to do what i say!"

The anger surged through me, filling every bone, every cell with in. "Your not my dad!" I shouted, whisking around to face him again. Tony's jaw was locked and his eyes became so dark i could see my own reflection and the look of fury on it. "Yes i am, whether you like it or not." He spoke, trying to keep his voice low. I scoffed, folding my arms. "Bullshit. Your not my family just because we share the same DNA." I said through gritted teeth. Tony swallowed and his eye level dropped to the floor for a split second before he regained his stone expression. "Whose your family then huh? If i'm not it, who is?" The question caught me of guard because really i didn't know. My fiery glare stayed on Tony and my jaw set. "I don't have a family." I attested. My voice sounded nonchalant despite the fact that the truth should be sad. But it didn't feel sad to me. I had been by myself since i was 8 years old and it was easier that way. Tony's eyes narrowed like he was trying to work me out. Common mistake. "Your a lonely girl who think she can do anything she pleases." He spat the words like venom. My hands clenched into fists, my nails digging into my palms. "But your lying to yourself because inside, you're scared." I squeezed my eyes shut trying to shut out the words.

"Shut up!" I screamed, stopping Tony from speaking his next sentence. I ran my finger through my hair. He was wrong. There was nothing vulnerable about me and i had learned a long time ago that fear is a weakness people will use against you. I opened my eyes and he raised his eyebrows. "So either you can carry on like this or do it with the family you have." I shook my head, pressing my lips together. "I'd rather be alone than have you as family!" I yelled. Tony looked like he had just tasted something sour. "You are not a good person Tony." I said. "You think you are but your not." My voice was becoming quieter and the anger, whilst still their, was being leveled out with sadness. Because as i said the words i realized he wasn't the only bad person standing in this room. "You're a terrible person who does terrible things." I muttered for the 100th time in my life. I could tell these word had struck a chord with him. His face fell despite his efforts to keep it stone-like. "Now that's ridiculous. I'm Iron man, i save people that's what i do." I shook my head. "Your not Iron man." I told him. "Your Tony Stark. Your the man who left me before i was even born because you had already decided i wasn't good enough for you to stick around!" The words filled me with new anger and i shouted the words. "The man who made the bomb that killed Pietro and Wanda's parents." I had been fighting them so hard but now i could feel tears glazing my eyes. "You killed Pietro!" Those three words ripped a hole in me i wasn't sure i could ever fix. 

Tony, who had been watching me with a blank face and even blanker eyes, scoffed. "Well that's a lie. Ultron killed Pietro." What he was saying wasn't a lie but it wasn't correct. "And who created Ultron? Whose Knowledge was it that was stored in him?" I asked. We both knew the answer. "It's you Tony." I said, pointing a shaky finger at him. "Ultron didn't know the difference between saving and destroying the world because neither do you." My words cut him deep like a knife. "You don't want to be my family and i don't want you to either so lets just stop pretending." I didn't want to hear him argue back with his hallow words so i turned around swiftly and walked towards the elevator. It wasn't until i had stepped inside and the doors were already closing that Tony tried in vain to call after me. "Clara, wait!" He called but with no real effort in his voice. "It's Alena!" I yelled back just before the doors closed. I stared to realized that although Tony would never be like a dad to me, he was still my father because i was just as bad as him. I didn't know at first where i was going as i walked down the streets of New York. It was 2:30 so most people were still at school or work. The streets were still busy, however, as i weaved through the people, keeping my head low. It didn't take me long to realize who i needed to talk too and it took me not much longer to reach them.

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