chapter 11

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The ship grew closer and Steve rushed to the edge of the rock where i had been standing close to. "It's Fury!" He exclaimed. "SHIELD is here?" Thor questioned.  "This is SHIELD?" Pietro asked, rushing up next to me to get a better look. He shrugged. "It could be a lot worse." He said with a smile. SHIELD had saved me once before and maybe they could save me again. A voice, Fury's i assumed, spoke over the earpiece. For a moment, I thought I recognized the voice, like I had heard it somewhere before but I couldn't place where or when. "We're deploying life boats, start loading the civilians." On command, smaller boats flew out from under the airship and flew to the floating Sokovia. People around us cheered with relief as they rushed towards the approaching life boats. People, agents, stood in the life ships, helping civilians on. "The little church now." Steve commanded. And once again we were off to the church. We met the rest of the group there and Tony flew down in his suit. He wasn't lying when he said the core was protected by a lot of bots. It seemed like the quantity had doubled and half of them were here. The bots saw us and instantly started to attack. It felt like the world went slow as we all fought them, knocking them down one by one. I shot one and kicked another, swung my nunchucks at two. I registered the red head girl joining the fight, herself armed with guns and batons. I could tell from her kicks and the way she shot a gun like it was her first nature, that she was like me. 

In a break between decapitating a bot and another approaching me, I looked over at her. She stared at me and suddenly I was sat on my bed in the red room, my knees hugged to my chest. "You're going to be fine." She told me, joining me on the bed. My knees were soggy from my tears and I sniffed. How could I believe her? She was older than me- she must have been 17. My whole body ached. I had not long ago woken up in the hospital bed, my stomach burning. "What did they do to me?" I muttered under my breath. Natasha tucked her fiery hair behind her ears and scooted closer to me. "I'll explain it to you once you're older." And that she had, but I had already worked it out for myself along time before she did. 

On the Sokovian battle field, her fiery hair whipped around her face as her eyes widened. But then I pulled my eyes away from her, taking a shot at a bot in front of me. 

We fought them off until most of the bots lay twitching on the floor. Still there were a few bots still flying around. "We need to get everyone on the ships." Steve commented, looking into the near distance. "Wanda, can you stay and protect the core?" Tony asked. She nodded surely. "Once everyone else is on the ships, i will destroy Ultron." Tony continued. He turned to Thor, "Thor, once everyone is safe, i'll give you the call and you gotta destroy the core." Thor nodded. "Ok, come on everyone lets go!" Steve instructed as everyone started to head towards the ship. Me and Pietro hung back with Wanda. "You two must go and help the people!" Wanda insisted. Pietro shook his head. "I'm not leaving you here." He replied assertively. "Don't worry, i can do this, i know i can." Wanda uttered. Pietro still looked doubtful to leave her. "Go!" Wanda urged us. He turned to me and i nodded. We quickly arrived at where the last people were being helped onto the boat. I looked in horror at their crying and screaming faces. They were covered in the dust from the crumbled buildings and some had painful gashes. "Alena, Pietro!" Steve shouted to us. "Get on the ship now!" I looked around, there were still a few people who hadn't gotten on. 

I ignored Steve and helped a small crying child and his mum on the ship. I heard a mother shout for her child from another ship and spotted Clint running out into the rubble to a small child. A shriek went up as a gun shot fired. I looked around for the source and turned to see Ultron floating down to the ground with his palms outstretched. Another bang, as he shot from his palm. It seemed he wasn't shooting at anyone in particular. Pietro looked at me fiercely  "would you do what i say, if i told you it was was important?" Pietro spoke quickly, squeezing my hand. I didn't understand his question but i nodded slowly. "Then, please get on the ship and go to safety." He grabbed my face softly and kissed me with such need that it lingered on my lips for a long time after. 

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