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"Oh, Maaaaax," Chloe purred, a little louder than a whisper, yet soft enough not to wake their slumbering teenage daughter. She playfully waggled her eyebrows up and down with an impish smirk tightening the muscles in her face. "She's asleep. You wanna...?"

"Of course I do, babe," the brunette eagerly replied, cutting her wife off in mid-sentence. "I've been thinking about this all day."

The taller of the two had just returned to the loveseat from down the hall where she peeked inside Des's room to ensure the girl wouldn't be able to hear what they were planning on doing. The married couple knew their daughter was still super tired after merging the multiverse and going to dinner, and they found themselves with the perfect opportunity to try out their new toy. Des was fast asleep in her bed all cozy and tucked in, with her sheets and bedspread contently snuggled on top of her body.

A reality-bending, once in a lifetime event such as the one the Caulfield-Price's recently experienced, might have broken anyone else. Fortunately, a very wise version of the oldest of the three prevented a terrible outcome by anticipating the mental problems that could have potentially occurred.

Because of the merger, inside of Chloe, an uncountable number of scientific and scholarly thoughts, including that of the wheelchair-bound mastermind, flourished in her mind. Most could never be specifically recalled but all added an ingredient to the mix. Likewise, Max experienced a similar result, with enhanced and expanded analytical thought.

The lovers put their brains together and secretly worked for over a year on a computerized mechanism with virtual reality-like properties that collected unseen residuals from the former multiverse. Without the laser-driven quantum cooling module that was available to them in another reality, they had to settle for a liquid cooling setup with fluidics, micro-pumps, and valves all routed to a computerized apparatus. They didn't have access to the higher tech they once did, but they made use of the items and materials they could collect from local stores and shops and from other various online sources.

The previous day, they made a breakthrough, affixing a headset and controller to the contraption. It would allow its user to mentally connect herself and be whisked to a fully immersed environment. They were tired and, according to Chloe's calculations, Des would be returning shortly. So, they left their work to be completed for another time. Their curiosity and abundance of free time drew them back to work on the project just one day later.

Chloe lovingly pulled Max in towards herself and wrapped her arms around her favorite person. "You ready to see if this shit's paid off, love?" The taller woman craned downward and pecked her wife on the lips then quickly withdrew. When Max pushed forward to reciprocate, her partner inched her head backwards with a teasing grin on her face. However, the magnetic energy between the couple wouldn't allow them to be apart for long. Gingerly placing both palms on either cheek, the shorter woman pulled Chloe's face towards her own. This time, the blonde didn't resist. Their deep connection wouldn't be denied forcing their ardent mouths together, ending with a tangle of lips and a lengthy sharing of realized love and completeness.

"Okay, love," Chloe beckoned, forcing herself to push away. "If we don't quit now, you know where this will end. I won't be able to stop myself from attacking you, you sexy bitch."

"Sounds like a really good thing to me, babe." Max forced their bodies back together, sliding both hands down her soulmate's back until they landed as low as they could go, with cupped handfuls of her best friend.

"Damn, Maxi Max. You know it's hard for me to resist you when you grope me like that." As she stepped back, forcing the pair apart, she heard an audibly displeased grunt come from the slightly frustrated woman in front of her.

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