A New Path

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Opening her satchel and searching its contents, Max pulled out the notebook she brought from her parents' house. She started drawing lines and charts to help them make sense of their plan, but she realized quickly that Chloe should be the one handling that responsibility. Where the brunette could run laps around her fiancé in terms of photography and most other art forms, such as music and playing the guitar, Chloe was much more gifted in matters of science and business.

"We can chart this stuff out all day long, Chlo, but until we know if your power still exists, or can even be reached, most of this isn't very useful."

"Let's get outta here then." Sharing a bank account was never a big deal. They were partners in time, crime, business, love, and all other aspects of their life, but when it came to paying the bill, the girls routinely bickered over who should pull out the credit card to settle the check. "You win this round, Caulfield."

After leaving the restaurant, the engaged couple drove back home holding hands the whole way. Like pirates plotting their voyage, the girls shut themselves in their war room - Max's bedroom. They agreed that Chloe should experiment as long as Max was touching her during the process. They didn't want Chloe to travel forward without her first mate by her side. In the past, by touching, they could jump together.

"I'm not sure if I ever told you this, but when I first used the power, and I searched for the sweet spot, I found it easier to just smash around the area early on. It always worked but I don't think that was very smart. It might have been part of the reason for the nosebleeds. We have time for you to slowly explore, so please don't hurt yourself, babe."

"Why is it suddenly hot in here?" Chloe asked. She walked over to the bedroom window and unlatched and lifted it to allow a little breeze to waft in. "Much better. Anyway, I'll go easy, and like you said, we have time to figure this shit out. Are you ready, Max?"

The photographer smirked and bit her bottom lip.

"I swear to God, you hot bitch, if you say you're the 'readiest' I will absolutely jump on top of you right here, right now."

"No, no, sorry. Please, continue. This is too important to... I'm the readiest." The smaller girl knew she was poking the bear, but she didn't mind. Perhaps she wanted the bear to attack.

"Yep, you're about to get it." The older girl grabbed her perfect person and threw her on the bed. Pouncing on top, she started pressing her nose down into the brunette's chest, wiggling back and forth at a quickened pace. She held the girl's arms so she couldn't break free. "You like that?" the blonde teased. Max squeaked and squealed and thrashed around kicking and laughing.

"I'm gonna pee, Chloe, sttttooopppp!" The freckled girl's laughter was infectious. Chloe began giggling too and fell to her side beside her soulmate. As the laughter subsided, the girls stayed in their positions, staring into each other's eyes, as a silence fell over the room. Curious warm tremors began surging from deep within and the universe started to sway from existence. Not daring to move their eyes from their locked positions on one another, the couple didn't resist this time. Their lips softly brushed, and a wall of electric energy seemed to penetrate their hearts. It was as if this perfectly matched pair was looking beyond the surface and seeing each other at the deepest level. Their bodies became intangible existing only as cosmic energy. The two forces began slowly merging into one.

Suddenly, Max's senses gathered and she pulled away. Reality swept back in and broke the stupor. She noticed the ceiling, the fan, the bed, the walls, and the gorgeous blonde looking back at her. "What. The. Fuck... wowser."

"Goddammit, Max. I love you so fucking much. SOOOO much!" The girls continued to kiss and grope one another, eventually dulling to soft pecks and caressing.

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