The Reason

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Max typically woke up, sometimes hours, before her partner. She would grab some coffee, maybe a bowl of cereal, and perhaps take a shower. At least once per week, she would finish most of her blog entry and post it even before her lover got out of bed. Today was different. When she awoke, she bent down to kiss Chloe's cheek but found the spot next to her vacant.

As she scanned the room, she noticed her best friend standing at the window staring into the yard and down the street. The street lamps were still lit, as the sun had not yet fully ascended to illuminate the landscape. Dim shades of orange and peach had begun to stretch across the room from the window, creating an intriguing atmospheric scene.

"Chlo, stay right there." Max hopped out of bed and located her camera. She lined up the shot and captured the early morning's essence, as her soulmate was bathed in the early dawn's colorful embrace. "That one is a keeper."

"Good morning, Max," the girl at the window casually stated, turning around facing the inside of the bedroom. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept so well, babe. I can't remember a time I slept so hard." From across the room, Max noticed something was not quite right. "Chlo, what's wrong?" She walked over and wrapped her arms around her partner's waist and kissed her chest, just below her chin.

"Something... happened last night, Max. A dream, or a vision, or..." The blonde pivoted around and continued to look back out the window.

"Chloe Price," The petite brunette huffed. "Don't pull away from me. Whatever it is, we can handle it together. I can't even remember how many times you've nursed me back to sanity from a nightmare. Let me be here for you and do the same."

"It's different, Max. I... I just need time to think. I'm sorry."

The photographer stepped back and incredulously looked at her fiancé. "Whatever you need, babe. I love you."

"Love you too..."

"Can I at least go get you some coffee? It might help you feel better."

"Yeah, that'll be good," Chloe softly spoke.

"Okay, when I get back, please tell me all about it. We have to be open and share everything with each other, Chlo. Yesterday, I realized it helped me a ton to talk with you about it, and I don't plan to ever keep anything to myself again." Max was concerned. Even when Chloe was in a deeply depressed state after the second storm week, she still never pulled away from her the way she just had. Max tenderly kissed her favorite person on the cheek from behind and left the room, heading downstairs to retrieve a couple of cups of fresh coffee.

"Good morning sweetheart," her mother grinned, greeting her at the coffee maker. She was thankful she convinced her parents to get rid of that dreadful Keurig. "This is where we spend the most time together these days, huh? How are you two doing?"

"Morning, Mom. I think Chloe had a nightmare or just isn't feeling real well today, but we'll be fine. We have a photo shoot this morning, gotta get going soon."

"You girls are always running off. You're all grown up now, but I can't help still see you as little pirate girls running around exploring and going on mysterious adventures." The woman looked down and smiled into her coffee mug. "So, how's the wedding planning going? Anything else I can help with?"

"You've helped enough already. It's pretty much planned and ready to go. Chloe just wants me happy and doesn't really get concerned with the details. I only want to be with her; the details aren't very important to me either. I just love her so much, Mom."

"I know you do. She's a special girl... you both are. We love you two with all of our hearts, and can't wait to see you walk down the aisle together. Sweetheart, we're so proud of you." Max realized this might have been the most openly she had spoken about her love for Chloe with either of her parents. They clearly accepted the pair as partners, but they had never verbalized their support so transparently.

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