Meeting Our Destiny

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The wedding stream hit eight million concurrent viewers on the day they got married. Months later, it was still getting tons of traffic. Being the savvy businessperson she had become, Chloe sold advertisements to maximize the monetization of the site. She learned a ton in an online SEO course she took a few months prior. M3 was doing better than ever, as was Victoria's gallery.

Thirty-nine weeks had passed since their trip to Ben Ure cabin, and a lot had happened between this point and then. The residency with The Chase Space was in full swing requiring various in-person activities every week or two. The contract was amended to a long-term stay with new exclusive sets added every three months. Max and Victoria continued to share a friendship with daily texts and weekly phone calls; even Chloe warmed up and wasn't as annoyed by the girl as she once was. Their friend went on a date and surprisingly asked Max for advice. The photographer didn't think she was the best to help, and she was thankful she never had to go through the awful process of dating. The brunette fell in love exactly one time with her perfect match, the girl of her dreams, her soulmate, and her best friend.

"I think this is the one, Chlo!" Max grimaced and strained as she laid in the hospital bed with her green-haired partner by her side cupping her hand. Her wife's hair was transitioning back to the point between blue and her naturally beautiful blonde. When the contractions began, the girls knew Destiny was on her way and it filled their hearts with a brimming joy. After one instance of Braxton Hicks, and a couple of other false alarms, the married couple was finally admitted since Max was dilating.

Chloe pushed the call button on the corded remote that was attached to the hospital bed. "Are you sure, love?"

"I thought so, but the pain is duller and sorta in the background now. I'm sorry, I thought she was coming." Max apologized, thinking her bedside companion was growing aggravated by all the false alarms.

"No way, dude. Don't you dare apologize to me. You're the one carrying our baby girl. Any moment now we'll be squeezing that little rug rat in our arms. Don't worry about it, she'll be here when she's ready. She's probably just stubborn like me. Although, I would argue you're the more stubborn one." Three nurses ran in and were quickly notified their services were not yet needed. Despite Max's lessened pain, the lead nurse lifted up her gown and checked her body. The dilation hadn't increased so they exited the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Suddenly, the room vibrated as if an earthquake or trimmer had passed across the hospital. "Did you feel that?"

"Yeah, it was like a rewind pulse... and..." Chloe's voice caught followed by a deep breath. "She's here, love," the taller girl anxiously gasped. "I'll... I mean she'll seem brave, but she's actually scared as hell, trust me." Another earth-moving pulse hit as they grinned at one another.

"Being scared doesn't make you not brave, babe. You are the most courageous person I know, and it's one of the things I love so much about you." The older girl was fondly looking back at her with a sparkle of pure love in her eyes. A voice coming from the far end of the room interrupted their locked gaze.

"No time to explain. I'm Chloe from the past. Do not mention anything about how you two conceived. It's bad news. While we're at it..." Max watched as the blue-haired girl ran out of the hospital room and into the hall, closing the door behind her. Her eyes trailed from the door back into the room where she noticed an ovular golden-rimmed window hanging at the opposite end near the small sitting area.

"So, she's out there saving Destiny's life, yeah?" Max asked before grabbing her partner's shirt and pulling her down towards the bed for a kiss.

After removing their lips, Chloe stood back beside her first mate and proudly responded, "Yep." The door abruptly sprang opened and they watched as the younger Chloe backed into the room, shutting the door upon entry. A brief silence fell amongst the trio while they scanned and thoughtfully eyed one another. "Damn, the blue looks really good on you; I kinda miss it, kinda don't. So, tell us why you're here." Max noticed a confident smirk on her wife's lips as she watched the scene unfold, and she understood her partner had been on the other side of this exact moment months before.

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