Where You Came From

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"Today was amazing," the brunette bubbled as she dove back in and nestled down with her favorite person. Max had just used the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and made final nighttime preparations before bed. Earlier, the girls ordered a pizza and watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, while playfully cuddling and goofing off. Rarely could they sit and just watch movies anymore, there were always stray hands, jokes, and plenty of laughter.

"Every day is amazing when we're together. And let me tell you, Johnny Depp ain't got shit on Long Max Silver and Captain Bluebeard." Chloe had one arm fully around her first mate, as Max was snuggled deep within her captain's embrace. With her free hand, she used the tips of her fingers to trace her partner's freckles as she typically did when she was happy. Just being beside her best friend and lover brought so much joyful contentment to her heart.

"We're getting so close to the wedding, babe, I'm excited and a bit nervous. We didn't invite many people, but this means so much to me. Thank you for not complaining or making a fuss about anything. I know it isn't necessarily something you care much about, but you know that I do. I love you, Chlo, and..." Max was cut off, as her soulmate interrupted her with a swift kiss.

Releasing their lips, Chloe responded, "Why the hell wouldn't I care about our wedding? Maxi, I care soooo fucking much. You are MY person. I want the world to know how much I love your hippie ass. Do you know how amazeballs you're gonna look in your dress, and how badass I'll look because I'll be standing next to you?" The older girl bent her head down and nuzzled her partner's neck with her nose and upper lip, taking a deep inhale on her way up. "Max, you have this smell about you that's fucking intoxicating, have I ever told you that?"

"I have a smell?" The brown-haired girl blushed. The lovers had seen every inch of each other at this point but something about being smelled caused the younger girl to marginally withdraw.

"Hella. It's hard to describe really. But when I think back, you've always just smelled... I dunno... delicious. Mmm. Why do you think I hugged you so much when we were kids?"

"Uhm, maybe I just thought you liked hugs," Max shrugged behind a toothy grin. "Actually, I've noticed you sniff me before, you weirdo."

"Weirdo? Oh, you're gonna pay for that."

"No, don't you dare, Chloe Price."

"Oh, I do dare," the mischievous girl confirmed, inching closer and slowly poking at her fiancé's ribs one at a time. Rapidly, she increased her prodding until they ended up in a tickle pile with the taller girl on top pinning her partner down. Max flung her legs around in a failed attempt to escape.

As the laughter faded out, and the tickling stopped, Chloe laid back down and unplugged her phone from the charger on the nightstand and opened an app. "Today has been great, dude. Every day with you is perfect, but today felt extra special for some reason, I dunno. I haven't even checked our bank account or anything business related, been too busy being in love. Guess I should be a good business manager and do my job, yeah?"

"Chlo, do you think anything could ever change what we have? I mean, we are Max and Chloe and I know we'll be together forever. I love where we are now, our lives are perfect. I just can't help wondering what the future holds, ya know?"

"Max, listen to me. I know you're a worrier, but try not to think that way. I can't possibly fathom a reason anything could change our lives. We've been through so much and the universe knows it. I like to think of what we have as our reward. It's strange to look at it like that, but dammit, we deserve happiness, and we deserve each other!" After craning her neck forward and lightly pecking her soulmate on the cheek, Chloe got out of bed and grabbed the laptop. She returned to Max's side and propped the device on top of her knees in her lap.

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