She turned around and walked towards me with a smile. "So Kim Minji, we haven't really talked in private... I must admit that you are hot..." She traced her fingers over my upper arm.

I gave her an uncomfortable smile.

"Now that we have time, we should talk. Don't you think so...?" She asked me keeping her hand straight on my butt.

I gripped on her wrist tightly which made her look into my eyes, "If you ever touch me like that, I will call police on you. I don't care if you kick me out of your company and i don't care how many people work under you." I yanked her hand aside and started walking towards the door.

"I'm sorry! Let's go on a date!" I heard her voice from behind, i quickly opened the door and walked outside.

How can someone touch me like that? She's horrible.

I gulped down the dry lump forming in my throat. When i blinked my eyes, my tears started falling. I roughly rubbed my face and walked towards my cabin.


I sat on the chair and removed Handong's photo that i always carry along with me. She was smiling in it.

Maybe she didn't knew what was going to happen with her. She didn't deserve it...


With her sticky hands after finishing two cotton candies, she ran towards her mother to ask for another one.

Wrapping her arms around her mom she spoke looking up at her mom, "One more..."

"Jiu, you just had two candies. Don't you want to share with your siblings?" Asked her mother, ruffling Minji's messy hair in the process.

"But mom, I want one more... I'm hungry..." Minji pleaded with her puppy eyes, in the hope that she will get one more cotton candy.

"No... Wash your mouth." In a hurry to pick up the call, her mom left the candies on the table.

Minji pouted knowing her mom didn't give her the permission to eat what she wanted and she didn't wanted to steal them.


She heard the soft voice coming from her behind. She turned around to look at her baby sister who was not able to take her name properly but she tried. Her small hand was raised towards Minji, inviting her to pick her up.

Minji smiled and got on her knees, she squeezed Handong's cheeks gently. Crossing her legs Minji sat on the floor, she started talking to her sister, although she knew Handong wouldn't understand her problem.

Minji wrapped her arms around Handong and made her sit on her lap, "Mom didn't gave  me the candy to taste..." Minji spoke, her face depicting sadness.

Handong involuntarily kept her palm on Minji's face.

"Canny..." Handong giggled and buried her head into Minji's neck.

"You're the only one who understands me.." Minji spoke, feeling overwhelmed.

"What are you both doing?"

Mark kept his hands on his hips as he kept staring between Minji and Handong.

"Can't you see we are having a conversation?" Asked Minji.

Mark searched for his toy gun. When he finally found it, he loaded his gun and walked towards Minji, he pointed his gun at Minji's forehead.

"Leave Handong alone. You're torturing my sister." He ordered.

"She wants to stay with me, so leave us alone." Minji replied pushing his gun aside.

"Handong, do you agree with her?" He asked directly looking into Handong's eyes.

The little girl smiled and looked between Minji and Mark.

"Na..." She spoke looking at Mark, as she wrapped her arm around Minji's upper arm.

"Minji, you should leave her... She doesn't want to stay with you. We got our answer..."

"It's not a no, she said na..." Minji explained, wanting spend some more time with Handong.

"You're under jail for taking my Dongie away from me." Said Mark again pointing his gun at Minji's forehead.

"No one is going under jail. It's dinner time buddies." Their father shouted, coming out from the other room.

He walked towards Minji, taking Handong into his hands and picking her up, he gestured Minji and Mark to follow him, which they did with Mark's and Minji's never-ending argument.


Minji's tears started flowing on her skin yet again making her heart sad. Handong left, but her memories were still with her.


Minji and her family will cherish Handong's memories forever. Minji might feel guilty that she couldn't stop Handong from dating a wrong person but she had to move on from that guilt to be ready to make Yoohyeon suffer.

This was nothing. She might have to cry everyday when she actually gets into a proper relationship with Yoohyeon. But it didn't decrease her courage to take revenge on Yoohyeon.

After sobbing for atleast an hour Minji kept Handong's photo inside her purse and walked outside of her cabin to wash her face.



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