Chapter 40

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The giant trophy is taken away almost instantly. I have a little more experience with this scenario so unlike last time I know I'll get it back once it's engraved and I'm not as nervous to surrender it. This time I'm just nervous to get back to my other trophy, the one that would absolutely hate to be called that.

I am congratulated by seemingly every person in the hall and I say a lot of thank yous as I'm ushered to the pressroom by Jane who has seemingly appeared out of thin air.

"Congratulations!" Jane exclaims. "Do you know how many inquiries I'm getting for more info on Charlotte? Get ready for a lot of questions."

Always business, which I've always respected, Jane would want to talk about the ramifications of saying I love you in my speech.

I hadn't planned to do it, I really hadn't. It just felt so right, looking down at her in that enormous moment. I hope she isn't mad.

I wish she could be by my side while I face all these reporters. "Where's Joe?"

"He went to go grab Charlotte, they're going to meet us back up at the hotel. You have your label party next."

Charlotte has my phone in her clutch, I hadn't really thought through the fact that we might be separated and my fingers are itching to text her. I hope she's all right with going to an after party; I hadn't really mentioned it and I have to make an appearance.

I hear the chatter of the winner ahead of me fielding questions before I'm pushed inside, and I quickly get through ten or fifteen questions before Jane expertly gets me out of the line of fire. They are almost all about Charlie and each answer is more vague than the next and it's clear that's all anyone wants to talk about at the moment.

The girl that tamed the wild, womanizing Zayn Malik.

I'm so happy to get out of there and get to the girl herself; I bounce my knee the entirety of the short ride. Once in front of the Ritz fans have amassed, and Jane guides me over to a group of younger girls. I know this means she wants me to be patient and take pictures and sign things but I just want to get to the top of this hotel.

I've taken quite a few selfies, signed some strange things and given a bunch of hugs but Jane has yet to give me a cue that I can wrap up.

"Oh my God! Charlotte is so pretty!" One exclaims, as I'm signing a photo of my face and I smile involuntarily.

"She is."

I don't catch on that there is a new round of squealing until I feel a hand run up and down my back.

"I have your phone," my favorite voice states.

I turn and my smile gets wider, my pretty girl is standing right in front of me with my cell phone in her palm. "Thought you might need it. Jane told Joe you were down here."

"Okay, let me just finish really quick..."

"No, no," Charlie waves me off and takes a few steps back. "Finish up. I'll meet you upstairs, I just wanted to make sure you had your phone if you need it."

I can tell she wants to kiss me, her lips twitch, but she looks from me to the mob of girls, and instead she winks and turns away.

"Charlotte! Charlotte! Can I get a picture with you?" A girl breaks away from the pack and follows after her and I tense. I hope she doesn't mind if this sort of thing starts happening to her too.

I catch her out of the corner of my eye as I sign more pictures and see her graciously agree, posing for photos with what turns into half a dozen girls before she slips back into the hotel.

I just want to run after her, and I look to Jane who gives me a nod.

"Alright, thank you guys!" I say, before bolting towards the hotel doors.

"Charlie!" I call out just as I see her dark head slip into the lift. Just her eyes peek out and they're smiling as her arm stretches out to block the door.

"Hi!" she says sweetly once I join her inside. The doors slide shut and lock us away and for the first time we are all alone. "You just won Record the Year."

"I did," I nod, gently backing her up against the wall of the lift. We're headed to the top floor and I'm praying no one gets in to go up when I start to kiss her.

In heels she's a little taller, which I find insanely sexy, and I have to turn my chin up the slightest bit so kissing feels different. I'm lacing my fingers through her hair and pushing my tongue in farther when the lift dings and drops us at our floor.

I groan and Charlie giggles, wiping off the messy kiss.

We pass through the door where make up and hair people have reassembled, and I wish I didn't have to get everything touched up just to put in a quick appearance at this party.

I just want to go home. To our home.

But now that Charlie is in sight I can relax, and I explain where we have to go next. She doesn't seem fazed, and takes up the make up artist on the offer to refresh her face.

Zoe pops in and has brought options in case I want to change, and also brought some things for Charlotte, which is surprisingly thoughtful.

"Thank you," Charlie smiles, as Zoe hands over some dresses.

"I'm pretty sure you're trending on twitter right now, Charlotte. By tomorrow designers will be clamoring to have you in their clothes," Zoe winks at her, and I realize she's probably bucking to be her stylist so I'm not as impressed by her act.

"You look beautiful, love, you don't have to change unless you want to," I remind her as she looks thoughtfully through the dresses.

She smiles up at me and decides to try on the light blue number, disappearing into the bathroom to change.

"And for you, sir..."

Zoe is really pushing for me to change into an only slightly different all black look but I'm not paying attention when Charlotte emerges from the bathroom.

The dress is light blue with feathery things hanging off of it and tulle and she looks like a grown up, dark haired Cinderella of my dreams.

Somehow, mysteriously, this dress that shows far less that the last one and makes her look like a Disney character is impossibly sexier. And I didn't think she'd be able to look better that she did in the green dress.

"See, you wear this and you look like her Prince Charming," Zoe gestures to Charlie who is reddening under my heavy stare.

"So should I wear this or..." Charlie steps out and starts to slide back into her heels, bizarrely oblivious to how phenomenal she looks.

"Oh no, I have the perfect shoes for that," Zoe says, wagging her finger and digging in a bag to pull out gigantic heels that she deems go better.

Charlie slides into them and looks even more like a princess, and I still haven't been able to formulate words when Zoe shoves the all black look into my stomach. "Change."

I do as I'm told, since the make up artist has pulled Charlie's pretty face from my view to start working on it again.

I remind myself I get to be with her all night, yet still very reluctantly lose sight of her to change.

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