Chapter 33

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"This place is beautiful!" Alli exclaims, as I lead her into the kitchen and offer her a drink.

"It's so private up here. Perfect for Zayn Malik and his new model girlfriend," Alli does sarcastic air quotes around model girlfriend while I groan. I still haven't been able to shake that cheesy title.

And my newfound modicum of fame is making it more of a reality. That morning I finished the third shoot I had booked this week. Before my name was attached to Zayn's I'd booked five in the last four years.

My best friend passes me one of the salads she picked up on her way over as we settle at the dining room table, and I'm so happy to have company.

It was one thing to spend a lot of time alone in my studio apartment, but being up here in this big space above the ocean and removed from the busy city noises seems to amplify just how alone I am. Or maybe it's the ache in my chest from lack of Zayn.

"So how's Zayn?" Alli has been at a photo shoot in Mexico for the last few days and I can't believe how relieved I feel now that she's back in the country. Only being able to text her when she had Wi-Fi was awful.

"He's great," I say, the inevitable smile playing on my lips at his name. "Really good. He's in New Jersey today."

"And how much longer until you see him again?" she asks.

"A week. He comes to town for the Grammys and then I'm flying to Canada with him for the next leg of his tour."

"The Grammys!" Alli squeals. "Do you get to go?"

I stab my fork into my salad and shrug. "I'm not sure. I haven't really asked."

"He hasn't brought it up?"

"Not really, just that he's in town for them. He's more focused on me coming on tour after," I say. "Do you know how expensive it is to have a passport rush ordered? I didn't have one and I need one by next week."

Alli laughs, but doesn't allow me to sidetrack the conversation. "So do you think he's taking another girl to the Grammys or something? Seems weird. Why would he move you into his place and buy you a car if..."

"He didn't buy me a car." I protest, bristling at the assumption.

When those pictures at the dealership made the internet rounds I was happy to see most people thought he bought the car for himself and I was just tagging along, but after I got spotted at a gas station in Beverly Hills a few days ago everyone is running with the idea that he bought it for me.

And he sort of did, but I'm not okay with that. Or okay with the world thinking that. It's bad enough that I'm sitting at this beautiful dining room table looking out at the Pacific Ocean for free.

"So you're just borrowing that Mercedes?" Alli hedges, sarcasm clear in her voice. "And you're just house sitting even though all of your clothes are in the closet?"

My best friend can be really annoying sometimes.

"No, I just..." I groan and turn my attention back to my salad. Why did I even order a salad? Oh, because I have a bikini casting tomorrow. "I just don't want to be like my mom."

"Your mom is - no offense - but she is a straight up gold digger. It's not like you were camped out at Soho House trying to snag a celebrity. He walked into our restaurant."

I know she's right. I had no intention of getting all of this handled to me. It just seems like such a familiar pattern that I watched through all my teenage years. She would start dating someone, move us into a big house we didn't have to pay for, get married, get divorced, and then it was back to real life until she found a new rich guy, repeat.

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