Chapter 16

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She seemed hesitant to hug me back, so I'm happy when she finally relaxes and squeezes against me. This is exactly what I wanted, and why I'm happy I just fucking told her. Just hugging her feels nicer than anything I could do with any other girl. Getting to smell her hair and run my hands down her back and make her feel better.

I hate when she pulls away, but she leans back just enough to make eye contact and I'm relieved when I meet those eyes. They don't look as worried.

"I'm still trying to process all of this," she offers, sheepishly.

I kiss the tip of her perfect little nose and smile. "Don't worry. We're both new at this."

My phone buzzes in my pocket to summon us to the car, and I reluctantly drop my arms. "You ready?"

She takes a deep breath. Her eyes look so unsteady, but she takes my hand and my heart sort of twitches when she squeezes it.

She grabs her purse and I make sure to put the do not disturb sign up before we head toward the lifts.

I'm more excited than I've let on about actually getting to see her place. I've just imagined it, from bits and pieces she's told me.

"I'll go first," she offers, as the first lift reaches our floor.

"We can go together," it almost sounds like a question, and I'm just hoping she'll let me be irresponsible and stay by her side.

"Too much," she says softly, and I know she's right. It's one thing to see someone leave a bar together, it's quite another to see them hand in hand coming down from a hotel room the next morning.

I nod and watch as the doors seal her away. It's my first second without her and I already hate it. I take the time while waiting for the next one to check up on Harry. I'm sure he's fine; we have some friends based in Los Angeles.

By the time I'm in the lobby he has responded that he stayed at Ed's house and has a day of plans ahead of him, but to let him know if he's needed for any birthday celebrations. I contemplate setting up a dinner or something, but if I'm really honest with myself I'm not ready to share her yet.

I know how funny Harry is. And I know how he's just naturally good with women. I don't want to see her laugh at his jokes and I don't want to see him use his charms on her. It's probably not healthy, but right now I want to keep her for myself.

I feel a woman staring from a seat by the door and duck my head down instinctually, sliding Ray Bans over my eyes.

Not today, please not today.

I can feel her following me and I head towards the black SUV that contains the only woman I want to be anywhere near. I reach it before she reaches me and I slip in as quickly as possible.

Charlotte is ducking dramatically in the back and I giggle when I see her. This is the only person in the world capable of making me giggle. "What are you doing?"

"Just in case," she smiles, before crawling over from the back once the coast is clear. She's given the driver her address and we're gliding through Los Angeles streets in broad daylight, holding hands.

It's really nice.

"How many houses are we looking at?" she asks, looking excited about the day's plans.

"Five," I smile at her expression. "Want to see them?"


She probably doesn't remember telling me about her obsession with architecture and interior design, but I haven't forgotten. We were sitting on stools in a dingy hamburger shop somewhere in the valley and she was wearing a black sweater that kept falling off her shoulder.

stars and terrain (zayn malik)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt