Chapter forty four : Let's not give children nightmares

Start from the beginning

Laxus yelled "oi! What the hell are you doing?!"

"There's no other way out!" Mirajane shouted.

"Well would you at least wait for the ladder on the fire truck!" Laxus shouted. He was tapping his fingers on his legs and pacing.

Mirajane shook her head "just catch me! The house is going to explode soon I need to-" She stopped and began coughing as the smoke she had inhaled got back to her. She put her hands on the windowsill then leaped off the window.

Laxus ran forwards "you could have counted on three!" He shouted but dived forwards catching her, it was easy though because Mirajane was as light as a feather.

Just then the house had a large gust of flames, like an explosion but didn't blow up the house entirely. The windows all smashed and fire was crackling out of any space in the house. Laxus on instinct turned Mirajane around and covered her as glass blew out.

The fire services got out and began hosing down the house. Mirajane opened her eyes and Laxus helped her up and put her back on her feet. "Thanks." Mirajane smiled.

"You're reckless." He said followed by a tch.

Mirajane shrugged "but logical, everyone came out safely."

Laxus ignored "I'm glad you're okay."

"I'm glad you're okay." Mirajane looked up at his face.

Laxus said "you're face is all dirty."

"So is yours." She smiled and reached up her hand and wiped his forehead which had black on it from the smoke.

Laxus put his hand out and wiped her cheek. "Mira..." 

Mirajane shook her head "not now. Come on, we need to go help the family." 

Laxus frowned but nodded. They walked over to the family huddled together, she crouched down and tapped Cara's shoulder. Cara turned around and was crying "hi lady..."

"Hi sweetie." Mirajane put her hands on the girls face wiping her tears "are you alright?"

Cara shook her head "everything's gone in the big fire!"

"Hey. You know what isn't gone, your family they're okay." She looked up at her family "and you are all safe. Now you're going to go to the hospital."

"Am I sick?"

Mirajane smiled and shook her head "no. There as a lot of smoke and breathing it in is bad for you, so you just need to get helped out so you won't be coughing so much."

"Oh." She looked over at Laxus who folded his arms "is he your husband? Because my mummy and daddy are like how you are with that man."

Mirajane laughed and shook her head "no he's not. Now go on back to your mommy okay?"

She nodded and did so.


Mirajane and Laxus were sitting in the hospital with the smoke out of their lungs now. Mirajane's dress was ripped and Laxus had little tears on his coat from the shards of glass. Mirajane said "we should go back now."

He nodded but turned when Cara and the boy ran into the room followed by their parents. The parents smiled "we're so grateful for you helping us. Thank you."

Cara climbed up on the bed next to Mirajane. "Yeah! Thank you!"

Laxus asked "so what will you do now?"

"Stay at my sisters for a while. We'll get insurance soon to get a new house." The father sighed thinking about everything that was lost.

The mother shrugged "it can't be helped. I'm just happy we all got out alive. So you're wizards?" She asked.

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