"Keep your eyes open! Don't ever close them!"

"Shit- we're losing him!!"


A lot of voices invading his ringing ears as he cough another mouthful of blood. As soon as he did this, the sound only increased yet at the time flies, the voices starting to fade out in the background.

Forcing himself to look to his hoodie, there's a large nasty gash wound. Definitely deep enough to be fatal as it creates a pool of blood underneath him. Groaning weakly as he felt the stinging pain coming from his wound as he was accidentally moved.

'This hurts!!'

Even though his whole body is screaming in pain the only thing he think now is the promise he made.

'Heh- it seems that I failed to keep that promise huh?'

He cough more blood as the world slowly darkens around him.

"I-im so-sorry"

He manage to blurt out before the darkness completely consumed his vision.


He groan. Shifting to his sides. Only to open his eyes faster than light.

'I'm pretty sure I'm dead'

Jolting up to where he lay gasping for air as he look to observe his surrounding only to be mesmerized by the view.


Everywhere he look, there's a lot of clouds, extending towards the vast of skies. He sat up and that's where he felt a pair of limbs behind his back. Moving his hands towards his back only to felt something soft and fluffy. Daring to look at it and see a pair of wings.

"What the-!!"

He let out a startled screech, only for the volume to increase as the wings shot out.

"Oh my prime! This must've been a dream right? But how am I dreaming if I'm dead!?"

His brain is starting to explode at this. He couldn't have just grown wings out of nowhere and wake up after death as if he's just sleeping and all of this is just a dream but the wings on his back just proved this isn't.

.....Just to make sure.

"OUCH!! Yup, this isn't a dream. No more punching myself cause damn it hurts"

He rubbed the sore spot to where he punch only to realize it doesn't hurt anymore. Looking to the spot, it only concluded that he isn't dreaming cause it supposed to bruise or swollen more but nope, it didn't.

"So I'm dead. Does that mean I'm an angel?.... Nah, I can't be.... Right?"

Looking at his wings, the pure white feathers still stretch far to the air just like before and he doesn't know how to bring it back.

Busy staring at his wings. He heard a voice. A familiar one that is. But not that clear to his ears yet.

"Brother,  you promised me... You promised me! So why did you broke it!! Why!?"

Brother? Wait... Nightmare!!

"Night! I'm still here! Where are you!"

Dream starts to panic again, frantically looking around, screaming onto the top of his lungs.

"Why did you left me alone? You said you wouldn't"

He heard it again and this time it was clearer. As if the words were formed into an arrow and shot him right in to heart from how it hurts. He's now whimpering from it as he doubled his effort to pinpoint the sound, hoping it would be around here somewhere.

"I didn't please!"

This goes on for a couple minutes or so. Until it's only a whisper left.

"You promised"

That's when the gathering tears falls to the cloud he's in. A sob broke through his mouth as the voice of his brother didn't appear no more.

"Nononono!! Night? Night! Please! I'm sorry! No.."

"Please don't go..."

A/N: ^ I know its ugly, I literally just finished that a couple of minutes ago before speedwriting this

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A/N: ^ I know its ugly, I literally just finished that a couple of minutes ago before speedwriting this. So I'm sorry if this does not make any sense.

Also sorry for not uploading here, I don't have any excuses why I didn't write since I have a lot of free time... Dunno.. I'm just lazy.

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