Welcome Aboard Chopper!/Drum Island becomes Sakura Island!

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And so, now that Nami was all healed up, you guys can finally head out to get to Alabasta! But before that, you guys had to recruit Chopper. 

Wendy: And that's why he should be our crew's doctor! 

Cana: Got to admit, he looks very cute.

Levy: He's adorable! 

Happy: Yeah, and by the way, he may act like he hates, it but, he's just really shy! 

(Y/N): Speaking of Chopper. Where in the world is he? 

Luffy: Let's see. HEY CHOPPER! WHERE ARE YOU?! 

Chopper is seen hiding behind the corner of the castle. 

Chopper: I can't do this! I can't! I can't! I can't! I- I'm DOING IT!! 

He walks forth. 


Nami: There you are Chopper! 

Chopper: Look, there's something I have to say! 

(Y/N): You ready to come along? Everything should be packed up, and-

 Chopper: I can't join you guys! 

Wendy: What? But why? 

Chopper: JUST LOOK AT ME!! LOOK AT ME!! I'M A MONSTER! I walk on two legs, I talk, I even have a freaking blue nose! How can I fit in a crew of mostly humans, when I don't even fit in?! I can't be your doctor and join your crew! I just won't! But, being your friends is what I can be! So come again. I'll really m- 

Luffy: SHUT UP! LET'S GO!!! 

You all smile, and well Chopper begins to break down into tears. 

Soon ... 

Chopper goes inside to say goodbye to Kureha. 

Chopper: Doctorine. Listen, I really appreciate all you've done for me throughout the years. But I think it's time for me to. So, I just want to say, thank you and g- 

Kureha stops him. 

Kureha: Chopper, you can't be serious. Do you really think you'll survive out there? 

Chopper: But, I've got a bunch of friends now. They're pirates. I can finally experience what Doctor w- 

Kureha: You're really going to believe what the Quack told you? Chopper, it's a dangerous world out there! You could get killed! 

Chopper: Well I made up my mind! S-

She swings a mace at him. 

Chopper: Eek! AAAAAAAGH!!!

He begins to run for his life! 


Outside ... 

Luffy: Hey do you hear that? 

Levy: I hear ... screaming. Chopper screaming. 

Erza: And it's getting- 

Chopper: RUN FOR IT!! 


Everyone: WHAT THE?! 

You guys get in the sleigh, and Chopper goes into Walk point and begins pulling it down the mountain. 

Kureha: He's really gone. My foolish son. 

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