Harry: Text me and let me know. Your spot is waiting for you. Bye!

I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed my forehead with the hand that wasn't holding Timothee's. I forgot about his show and I forgot about the promise I made.

"You alright there, babe?" Timothee whispered. Leaning closer to my side and slowly brushing my hair with his fingers.

"Yeah, it's just I kind of forgot about Harry's show tomorrow and I promised that I would make it. I didn't make it on his last tour and he was upset and so I promised him, but that was obviously before we broke up and I don't know what to do." I rambled quietly. Making sure no one around us heard. The last thing I needed was people finding out about the breakup before we had even announced it.

"You should go, doll. Maybe it'll help you find closure. I'll support you no matter what you choose to do. I'm here." He gave me a smile and brushed my hair away from my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"You're right. I need this. I need to do this for myself. For closure." I breathed.

"Proud of you, doll."

Timothee gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and proceeded to lean back on his chair. I grabbed my phone and typed up a response to send back to Harry.

Me: Hey, Harry! Thank you for the kind words!

Me: I'll be there. I keep my promises. See you soon!

I chose to ignore the boyfriend comment because I knew he was just trying to pick a fight and I know better than to feed the lions.

Harry: Can't wait, special girl.

I rolled my eyes at the nickname, it's not the same anymore.

Me: Also, is it alright if I spend the night at our apartment? For one last night? I'm heading to New York for a fitting and I wanted to pack some things up.

Harry: Oh

Harry: Wow

Harry: Uhh yeah that's fine. I don't think we'll be in New York until tomorrow morning so you can sleep there. I have to go. See you tomorrow.

Me: Thanks, H. See you tomorrow.

I brushed off his abruptness and decided to sleep the rest of the flight. Just a couple more hours until we land and meet some of the most important people in this movie, the costume designers, makeup artists, hair stylists, etc.


"Timothee!! Y/N!! We're so glad you guys are here. I'm Aurora, the costume designer and this is my assistant Amelia. We'll be taking your measurements and asking for your input on the clothes we've designed for the movie." Aurora greeted us with a smile and a friendly handshake before taking us into a separate room.

"It's nice to meet you both. Timothee and I are very excited to be here." I responded, stepping up on the circular platform that Amelia pointed to.

Aurora grabbed a measuring tape and started taking my measurements while Amelia wrote down everything she said. The process went by pretty fast and soon Timothee and I were looking at some drawings that represented some of our outfits.

"Oh my. These are so gorgeous." I complimented.

"Amelia drew these up. It's just a mock up because we wanted to give you guys options, but we have different outfits for different occasions in the movie." Aurora had spread out the drawings in a line and started explaining which ones we would be wearing for a specific scene. "These outfits on the very left are super casual and that's for after the break up. It's nothing special because your character, Daisy, will be mostly at home. The night of the break up we have these customized outfits that are more elegant considering you guys had just gone on a fancy date. We have many more ideas, but they are still in the process of being drawn and put together."

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