"I love the fact that you're wearing a mustache." Sam said. I giggled. I quickly texted Matthew and told him we were on our way in. While we were walking in, Sam said, "You're seriously rocking them heels." I grinned at him.

"That's what the dude who sold them to me said." He froze and looked at me.


"He's gay, Sam." I laughed at the relieved sigh that came out of his mouth. While I was laughing, I stepped on a rock and tripped, falling on my butt. I must have screamed pretty loud because everyone looked at me. I started laughing and my hair fell in my face.

"You alright baby?" Sam asked, squatting in front of me. I nodded, still laughing. He laughed and stood up, holding his hands out. I grabbed his hands and he pulled me up. As we were actually walking into the restaurant, I said,

"My ass hurts now."That made Sam and Chord start laughing so hard, that they didn't even notice that everyone in the restaurant yelled happy birthday. They were literally hanging onto each other for support. Quinn took that as the perfect opportunity to take a picture with her camera. I stood in front of them, hands on my hips.

"It is not funny. Sam, if you don't stop, you know what'll happen. Or what won't happen." I said seriously, and he immediately stopped.

"Um, surprise?" Eric and Aaron said at the same time, and Chord and Sam finally realized that everyone we'd been working with in the studio was in the small party room. They grinned and started hugging everyone. I walked up to Matthew and asked,

"Where is she?"

"I don't kn-OH, there she is." He pointed at the tall blond haired girl with dark eyes, who was walking up to Sam and Chord. When they saw her, they immediately hugged her. She is their cousin, Janet Evans. She, laughing, said,

"I missed you boys too!" I smiled and took a picture of them, walking over to them.

"Even with these heels on, I'm still the shortest person here. Besides Mercedes at least."

"I heard that Jackson!" She yelled from where she was talking to someone.

"You were supposed too, Mrs Soon-to-be-Overstreet!" I yelled back, making everyone laugh.

"Oh shut up, everyone knows that we'll be sister-in-laws in the next couple of years." She said, putting her arms around Chord's waist.

"Duh." I did the same to Sam, and grinned up at him.

"Don't get me started on how cute your babies will be!" I rolled my eyes.


After everyone is done eating

Once everyone was done eating, the whole table was pretty much having a conversation on what our kids will look, mainly me and Mercedes.

"If you and Sam have a daughter, she'll probably have green eyes, blond hair, and his lips. She'll probably have your nose, curls, and chubby cheeks." Mercedes said.

"She sure as hell better look like him." Sam made a face and looked at Chord, who shook his head.

"What about their babies, B?" Sam asked me. I thought about it, looking at them.

"If it's a girl, she'll probably have green eyes, curly ass hair, his lips, her nose, his cheeks and her eye shape." Sam leaned across the table and said to Chord,

"Am I the only one who I weirded out by those two?" I slapped his butt, and went back to talking to Janet and Mercedes.

Sam's POV

"Okay, me and Mercedes have a song for you, Sammy and Chordie! It's a country song, and yes we wrote it together. We hope you like it!" She said enthusiastically. I smiled and shook my head at her.


I don't want to get up, baby lets turn off the phone
I don't want to go to work today or even put my make-up on
I got better things to do on my to-do list anyway
Hide under the covers and waste away the day

Let's just lay here and be lazy, baby drive me crazy
All I want to do.....
All I want to do..... is love you

I got my whole life to change the world and climb ladders
Looking at you looking at me is the only thing that matters
Come a little closer baby we can talk without words
Hang a sign on the door, "Please do not disturb"


Give me a kiss, from that Elvis lip
You don't want to miss this


All I want to do.....
All I want to do..... is love you

All I really want to do is
All I really want to do is
All I really want to do is love you and love you and love you

Come a little closer baby we can talk without words
Hang a sign on the door,
"Please do not, please do not, please do not, please do not disturb"

When I lay down in the evening
All I really want to do is
When I wake up when I wake up in the morning baby
All I really want to do is


 "Okay, that had to be the most awesome thing I've ever seen!" We said at the same time, then looked at each other, as if daring each other to speak at the same time.

"How about this?" Brenda asked, and pecked Mercedes on the lips. I looked at Chord, whose face matched mine. Shock. Nothing but shock, and awe.

"Not only was that awesome, but that was hot. As. Hell." We said at the same time again, and high fived. They laughed and sat back down with us.

Going On TourDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora