Villain: Redux- PT 2- CH12 - Picture Day

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Villain: Redux

By: Yay Ninja Bob

Part II: Hate & War

Chapter 12

Picture Day

"Yes. It is a sad, terrible and unfortunate thing, but a fact of life nonetheless, that people need something to hate. Years ago it was Mojo who the people despised. However, with I, Mojo Jojo- and the rest of the villains for that matter- incarcerated for life, there remained nothing left for the simple-minded to target with their neverending, relentless and unwavering need for acrimony, and so... it became you..."

As the green Powerpuff stood underneath the shower's steady stream of warm water, the events that had just transpired played over and over again within the young hero's mind. There was a lot that had just happened, but out of everything that took place- rescuing Tyler and the gang, the police chase, running into Princess and burning down the Discovery Dome together, nearly getting caught by both sisters as the wanted Alien- it was the unexpected confrontation that took place beside the volcanic base's magma lake that dominated the many pressing thoughts that swarmed the sixteen-year-old's head. Even though the mutant chimp had said a lot that night, everything he had said had definitely managed to stick. As the steam from the hot shower built up within the small bathroom and swirled round the air, the villain's haunting words continued to replay...

"The difference, of course, is that when they call Mojo a freak, at least they do not expect anything from him. But you? They call you both 'hero' and 'monster' and these are simply titles that are impossible to maintain at once! Such identities cannot coexist! Yet those who judge you still refuse to let either label go. They have branded them more deeply than the scar they fear upon your face..."

As the water beat down against the back of Buttercup's head, the green eyed Powerpuff hunched forward and watched the last few traces of blackened dirt swirl around the shower drain and wash away forever. It had taken nearly an entire bottle of shampoo and another bottle of conditioner to successfully strip all the hardened bits of lava rock that clung to the teenager's hair, but after much tedious scrubbing, Buttercup at long last felt clean again, and shut off the running water.

The green Puff slipped into a clean pair of pajama pants and a worn baggy band t-shirt, and knelt down to gather the pieces of Mojo's "gifted" clothing that were scattered upon the tiled floor.

"What an impossible existence, really- a torturous paradox. How miserable it must be..."

Buttercup used the small bundle of children's pajamas to wipe away the fog from the bathroom mirror.

"Really, it is no wonder you have had no choice but to try and reinvent yourself. Is that not right... Joey?"

The green eyed Powerpuff stared directly ahead at the mirror's reflection and asked for the hundredth time that night, "How the hell did he manage to figure out it was me?"

The lingering steam within the shut bathroom fogged up the mirror once more as Buttercup turned away from the reflection and reached for the door. The superpowered teenager paused for a moment, listening intently for any signs of life within the Utonium household. Still, all that could be heard were the distant, steady sounds of clinking and tinkering coming from the basement laboratory. Since the prison break, the Professor had stayed even busier than usual, spending at least fourteen or sixteen hours of his day working inside the lab. Buttercup hadn't seen the man face to face in days, but truthfully didn't really mind it. After all, it was one less person to have to answer to.

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