Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

It's not that I don't trust my daughter's or Nona's judgement but it is virtually impossible for him to have found our boundaries. The only way he would have been able to have found us is if someone revealed our location. I know that Carson was going to search for him but if he found him, why isn't he here now? I can't help but furrow my brow. I don't want to put my pack or my daughter in danger. 

My daughter is looking at me, her amber eyes are shinning brightly looking for me to get her friend, to accept him like I have accepted her. I can see how important it is for her that I trust her as she has started to trust me. All I can do is sigh and accept that the relationship I have with her needs me to give as much as I am willing to take. I give her a small nod at which she exhales a breath at relief. 

"Foremen Aperire." I whisper in through the air. My words carry through and a small gateway opens through the magical barrier that I have constructed. I gesture to the hole and Leyla nods and walks through the gap that has formed, while I simply followed past. As soon as I am outside the pack I whisper "Claudere" which seals of the boarders. 

Drew is facing the other direction, he has his hand hoovering above his eyes scouting the area seeking something. Is he searching for us or is he searching for something else. I let out a cough which covers him to jump and face our direction. I see his shoulders hitch and he instantly gets into a defensive stance. 

"Drew!" Leyla shouts. 

He looks at her wearily, I can see he recognises her but as he takes in her appearance he seems confused as his face starts to contort in perplexed expression. "Leyla?" He questions. 

"It's me Drew!" She holds her hands up in defence hoping he recognises that she isn't a threat. However I simply stand there with a stonily letting the power ripple from my body. I won't let my defence down until I know he is not a threat to my daughter. 

"Leyla, you look... different. Why aren't your eyes the same?" He sneers. 

I let out a small growl under my breath at the way he speaks to my daughter. He seems nothing but disrespectful. I can feel my wolf clawing her way to the surface, ready to protect her pup from this stranger. 

"Drew it's me! A lot has happened since you left." She sighs out. 

"Prove it." He growls out. 

"You lived in the Orphange but you would often spent a lot of time with Nona in her cottage with us. You left when I was about ten years old to travel. I always called you Dew because when I was a pup I couldn't pronounce your name properly. Nona said you were the first child who gave her hope after Roger died-" Leyla whittled on. 

He let out a sigh of relief and his face softened when he realised it was Leyla. "Oh thank god I found you." He rushes to her and pulls her into his arms and squeezes her tight. I see my little girl give off a small blush as she pushes her head to his chest. 

What are you thinking? I ask my Wolf.

I don't like the way he is holding our pup. I don't like that our pup is blushing at this wolf. She growls. 

He's gotta be better than Lamia's kid. I grumble.

She lets out a soft growl but then I sense her reach to his wolf. She starts to connect with him, I feel her snuff him out to see if he is a threat to our daughter, while I stare at the two in their tight embrace. I can see from his face that has nothing but affection and care for her. It isn't before long that I feel my wolf pull back.

He's smart, he's a good wolf. He was taught by Nona and was raised as well as you can be in an Orphanage. His wolf shows me that he means no harm to Leyla and those who she trusts. My wolf answers honestly. 

Do you know how he found us? I ask. 

Yes. My wolf responds. 

Well are you going to elaborate? I huff out. 

He will tell you once you ask him. He is a honest wolf. She finishes and closes our connection.   

"How did you find me?" Leyla asks as she pulls away from his chest. 

"Nona." He replies. 

"What do you mean Nona? How did she get in contact with you?" The confusion is laced in Leyla's tone. 

"I received a letter from Nona a couple of weeks ago with the IV fluid's she sent me, she asked if I could investigate what was being administered. Which I did. Then about a week later I received another letter saying that she needed me to find you and that it was a life or death matter. She gave me co-ordinates to this place. Except all that is here is an empty field. I've been wondering around for two days straight." He huffs out. 

How did Nona know where Leyla would be? How did she know this place? The questions were flying through my mind. It's then that I spoke up. "Hello Drew, My name is Alpha Reaper, do you mind if I see the letter that Nona sent you?" I requested. 

He gives me a quick glance, I can see he is eyeing me up and assessing me for weaknesses, it's then that he takes in my appearance and keeps glancing between both me and Leyla. I can sense that he sees the similarities in our appearances. He nods and pulls out an envelop from his pocket and passes me the letter. 

I empty the envelope and take out the letter that was composed by Nona. 


My sweet boy I am afraid that I will need your assistance in other matters than just the package I sent you a couple of weeks ago. I know you have always been available for help when I have requested. You remember Leyla? Well she is in danger and I am afraid that I will be unable to protect her for much longer. I need you to make haste in reaching her. She will need all the help she can get and she will require your skills to seek the answers she needs. 

She is safe and with family that will protect her but she needs more. You know I wouldn't ask unless it was a life or death situation. Please return to the Kingdom and follow the coordinates I have given you. Do not let share them with anyone else, destroy them and burn them if anyone tries to access them. It is imperative for Leyla's safety. 

Tell Leyla I love her. 

Stay Safe, 


I fold the piece of paper and make note of the date. Nona had written this before Leyla had even met me and left the pack. She had meticulously planned for him to come here. I knew Nona had a special gift, although it wasn't known to many Alexander and Leyla had both implied it. It made me wonder whether she knew Leyla's true heritage. I knew she must have seen something for her to reach out to him. 

I was slightly more relieved and at ease with his presence being in the pack. I knew Nona cared for Leyla, not just from the contents of the letter but from what Leyla and Alexander had relayed. I knew she would not send someone that would cause her harm. The only question that was left in my mind was if Nona was the one who brought him here, what the hell was Carson doing? Was Alexander right in saying that there was a traitor in my pack? Was he the reason why I was never successful in finding The Order?

I shook my head and placed those thoughts in the back of mind. We needed to get back in the barrier before someone discovered us. I knew that there would be more eyes seeking us out in the Kingdom after the disappearance of the King. We couldn't afford to be found at such a critical time. 

"Come, let us get back to the pack house and discuss matters inside." I whisper into the night. Both Leyla and Drew nod with a small smile on their face as I open the barrier back up and close it when we are all inside. 

The Mallapers Are Rising: A Rejected Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now