Chapter 11:~The Journey begins~

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Later that night, the journey against The Light Kingdom began. Gimli as usual rode with Legolas. Elora was ready to take back her throne but also afraid of what she was to meet when they arrived to The Light Kingdom.
When they camped for the night, Elladan tried to connect with his wife, but Elora kept herself distance from everyone.
She looked around in the forest. She wondered how The Light Kingdom's forest looked like these days. And what would it be like when she returned.
She felt something climbing up on her shoulder and saw a small silver dragon cub sitting on her shoulder. "Seara, you cannot be here. Fly home," Elora told the dragon, "I'll call on you and the others when you can come," And the dragon flew away.

Elora sighed. It was finally time to face her former friend and that made her scared.
"Elora, come, you need sleep," Elladan said behind her and grabbed her hand. Elora pulled away. They went to sleep. But Elora wondered if she was really ready for this. She had decided. She would not kill Livia unless she had to.

The Lord of The Rings: The Light KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now