Chapter XXXIII: 2011 Breakfast with the Warlock

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Henrik and I sat at a booth in the back, away from everyone. We sat for a moment, waiting for a server to come by and when they did, he put a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of me with a glass of orange juice and a glass of chocolate milk. I looked from Henrik to the server.

 I looked from Henrik to the server

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"I didn't order yet..?" I told him, confused. The blonde server sighed.

"And we don't serve breakfast either. But Klaus made this for you and compell-asked me to present it to you when you got here." He said. Niklaus compelled this man?

"Wait- Nik made this for me? Like...Himself?" I asked, shocked. The blonde rolled his eyes earning a glare from Henrik.

"He did." Henrik cut in with a grin. "Something about showing you how much he loves you or something." I laughed at his mimicking. The blonde server quickly pulled a note from his apron pocket and placed it down.

"He also said to read this when you finished eating." He said and walked away. Henrik rolled his eyes and took a fork.

"Guess we are sharing." He winked. I laughed and pushed the plate more centered between us.

"Help yourself. So what is it that Niklaus thinks he's doing?" I asked him, cutting a piece of the pancakes and taking a bite. Pausing to moan at the taste. "Oh my god... Nik can cook??" I asked him. Henrik stared at me for a moment, before blinking repeatedly.

"Um- Yeah. He has been learning here and there." He said, taking a bite of the pancakes.

"Are you okay, Henrik?" He nodded.

"Yeah- I'm good!" He said with a smile. "And I believe Nik is hoping you move back home, or at least forgive him." He explained.

"He's already surprised me. A painting- breakfast.. What's next?" Henrik smiled, taking a bite of the pancakes and then pushing the note towards me.

"Go on and read it. I won't tell." He winked at me. I laughed and put the fork down, reading the note.

Reasons I love You #5:
You're not done eating. It's okay, being curious is another reason I love you. Finish eating and Henrik will drive you to your next destination. I hope you enjoy the pancakes.

I laughed and looked up at Henrik.

"You tricked me." I told him, stealing his fork before he could take a bite. He let out a gasp and then laughed.

"I had to make sure it worked out." He said, stealing the glass of chocolate milk.

"What if I wanted that?" I asked, watching him. He shrugged.

"You can always kiss me for a taste." I let out a laugh at his flirtatious teasing.

"Maybe later, stud." I winked, drinking the orange juice and then standing up. "Ready then?" Henrik nodded, standing up, but pulled me to him, his lips on mine within seconds. My hands landed on his chest in shock, but I leaned in closer kissing him back. I could taste the chocolate and blueberry's on his mouth causing me to moan against him. Henrik pulled back with a small smirk.

"That's better." He said, licking his lips. I let out a breath as he grabbed my hand and started to pull me with him. "Let's go Princess. Days a wasting."

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