Chapter XVII: 2010 Pie

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It was a good thing I couldn't remember my death in the 1300s. Laying in bed, I felt useless and already like death. Kol was currently dabbing my face with a wet cloth, which was odd since I already told him he didn't have to. But that led to a short lived argument from him saying I was his to take care of. Coughing fits made him jump to grab water for me. He was very involved and sweet.

In the other room, Elijah had called a few witches he knew to look into ways to get me out of this. Nik was getting a doctor to make a house call. Finn was helping Elijah with the witches and Rebekah had gone with Nik to make sure he didn't kill someone.

I got out of bed as Kol left the room a bit ago thinking I had fallen asleep. Grabbing my robe and moving to look out the bedroom door to see what was happening. Elijah was hovering around a few witches, talking frantically. Finn and Kol were talking to each other. I closed my eyes for a moment trying to settle the spinning in my head.

"Frankie?" Elijah was the one who noticed me first. Flashing over to me and wrapping his arm around my lower back. "You should be in bed." I shook my head, pulling my robe tightly around me.

"This is my apartment. I should be out here while people are here." I mumble. Elijah sighed.

"Please, Frankie, you are unwell." Elijah whispered.

"I should bake something." I mumble under my breath, moving out of his grasp and walking to the kitchen. Elijah went to follow but Rebekah walked into the apartment with Nik making him stop. I heard some muffled conversation before Rebekah followed me into the kitchen.

"Frankie?" She asked, walking up to me as I pulled out a few ingredients. I hummed in response to her, not stopping what I was doing. "What are you doing, Frankie?"

"I'm baking a pie- do you think the witches like pie? What do witches eat?" I blink a few times trying to think. "Maybe cake? No, pie. I'll make a pie. Everyone loves pie.." I mumble as I move to grab the chocolate chips. Pausing slightly as my head spun.

"Nothing I can do to make you sit down is there?" Rebekah asked. I turned to her, shaking my head at her. Rebekah sighed, "Alright, tell me what to do, I'll help." I offered her a smile as I grabbed an apron for her and we got to work. I ended up having to lean on the wall for a bit as Rebekah kept moving around the kitchen. "You know- I never got to do the whole baking thing growing up... This is nice- Even if you are sick.." She said with a smile.

An hour went by before the pie was done, Rebekah did most of the work as I talked her through it. She even made me a cup of tea to get me to relax as I ended up in a chair that she ran out to get. She helped me to walk out of the kitchen, making sure I could get to one of the guys so she could retrieve the pie.

Finn ended up meeting us at the kitchen door to help me walk to the couch, sitting me down and pulling me to rest on him.

"Who wants pie?" Rebekah asked as she brought out the pie and some plates.

"You baked it?" Nik asked with a snort

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"You baked it?" Nik asked with a snort. Rebekah shot him a glare.

"Frankie walked me through it." Everyone seemed to hesitate at first.

"I'll have some, Beks." I said followed by a few coughs. Finn rubbed my back as Kol took the plate for pie from Rebekah.

"I'll try it first.." Kol volunteered. "Don't want you to die of food poisoning..Did you die of that?" I sigh and shook my head at him.

"Just give it here, Kol." I told him. He nodded, handing me the plate that had a slice of pie on it. Taking the fork from him, I took a bite. I looked in my peripherals to see everyone's eyes on me. Is this what it was like to have soulmates? I brought my hand to my mouth, coughing. Moving my hand to my throat as I further pretend to be dying on the one bite I took. Everyone jumped up and freaked out, Finn patting my back a bit aggressively and Kol and Nik in full panic mode. I stop coughing, laughing with a few coughs here and there. Everyone stopping what they were doing.

"That is NOT funny." Nik growled out as I continue to laugh and cough. Rebekah covered her mouth as she tried to hide her laughter. Even Elijah was chuckling lightly. But Kol and Nik both were glaring at me upset. Finn just shook his head.

"Lighten-" I cough some- "Up, Nik. And have some pie." I told him with a soft tired smile. With that everyone dug into the pie and I ended back up in bed with Finn laying with me. He said it was because he was tired as well, but I had my suspicions that he wanted to make sure I stayed in bed.

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