Chapter XLIV: 2011 The Becoming Pt. 1

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I had been staying with the Mikaelson's for the week. Watching as they prepared for the spell. Elijah and Nik had been hovering over the Witches. Making sure none of them had changed their minds on helping us. So far, Elijah had ripped the heart out of one for trying to throw in an easy out for the spell. Something about choosing a weapon against me if needed.

"So how does this work?" I asked, standing in the doorway. Nik looked up first, walking to me and pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. Elijah looked up after, smiling softly.

"It seems to be very straight forward." Elijah started, looking at a spell book in his hands. "You can't drink just any vampire blood. It had to be ours, all of ours."

"Like an initiation?" I laughed. Nik chuckled at my humor, nodding.

"You'll be connected to us in every way." Nik whispered, pressing his nose into my hair and kissing my head.

"And then what? It can't be that easy..right?" I questioned, Nik's arm wrapping around me and pulling me tightly to him.

"Once you ingest our blood then one of us with have to kill you." Elijah explained, his eyes looking away from me. I looked from him to the witches as Kol and Finn came down. Henrik shortly after.

"One of you?" I repeated. Kol let out a sigh.

"You couldn't have waited until we were all here?" Kol complained, moving to stand near me, ignoring the low growl from Nik as he pulled me from him and held me close to him.

"She asked, Kol. I'm not going to make her wait for answers." Elijah said lowly. Anyone could hear the annoyance in his tone. He moved his eyes back to me. "For the spell to work it has to be one of us. One of us needs to kill you using the weapon that will be the only thing that can kill you when you are a vampire. Kol had something made for that-" I felt Kol moving around.

"I had this made the other day. It's the last of the White Oak around with sterling silver in the splinters. The only way someone can kill you is with both of these together." He said holding up a stake that had sparkles randomly throughout it. Metal filling the gaps of the wood.

"So I have to be stabbed to death?" I asked, swallowing hard. "Okay." My voice a bit pitchy as the idea processes in my mind. Finn came over and grabbed my face, rubbing my cheeks softly as he looked at me.

"It'll be okay, Frankie." Finn told me sternly. I nodded slowly, staring at him.

"What happens when I wake up?" I asked as he releases my face once he sees I've calmed down a bit.

"Well you have a drink." Nik said with a smirk, getting a smack in the head from Finn. "What? She asked!" He whined. Kol laughed at his brother being smacked.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" I looked over to Henrik, nodding.

"So we do this then... right?" I asked, leaning into Finn since he was still there and Nik had stepped back some since being smacked. I looked between everyone. Elijah looked unsure while Nik was uncomfortable looking. "What are we waiting for? We have the weapon to be used, you are all here..What more do we need?"

"We had voted Nik to uh-" Kol even struggled to talk about the actual killing part. I looked over to Nik. That must be why he was so uncomfortable. Finn wrapped his arms around me, feeling me tense slightly.

"Then lets do this..." I spoke up. Everyone went silent before a witch stood up, grabbing a fancy looking goblet.

"I just need everyone's blood, then." She said. Elijah was first, biting into his wrist and letting some of his blood flow into the goblet. Kol went next followed by Nik, all of them watching me as they did it. Stern stares meeting mine. Finn held me close to him still as he let some blood out of his wrist. She held the goblet, saying some Latin enchantment as it glowed slightly under the chanting, before handing it to me.

Looking down at the dark red liquid that looked almost like the raw batter of Red Velvet cake. It was beautiful. Sparkles of magic running through it. Taking a deep breath, I brought the goblet up to my lips, feeling the thick rich liquid flow into my mouth. It was different from when I would heal from them. The bitterness was dimmed, almost leaving a sweet tingle of flavor that would leave cavities behind. The richness was almost like chocolate melting in my mouth. My tastes buds were exploding. Finishing the goblet, I looked up at my soulmates all looking at me. Nik took the stake from Kol, holding it so tightly it looked like he would hurt himself.

"Nik-" I started, pulling away from Finn as I looked at him, grabbing his hand to make him relax. "It's okay." Nik met my eye contact, his eyes looking glossy.

"I don't want to-"

"I know. Do it quick. It'll go fast." I encouraged him. He took a shaky breath, holding the stake to hover over my heart. He seemed to have issues, so I leaned into it some, feeling it pierce my skin slowly. Another set of hands wrapped around Nik's, looking up to see Elijah standing there. Finn and Kol came over, with Henrik. Elijah helped force the stake through me. The feeling of it shattering through my heart caused a gasp to leave my lips. The pain numbed, my guess from the blood. But it was like I could see it happening. My breathing coming out in gasps. Blood dripping from the stake as Finn flashed to catch me. Holding me close to his chest as the world around me became heavy. My eyes closing as my breath ended in one final gasp.

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