CH32: Home and Reunited

Start from the beginning

And I know it's only in my mind
That I'm talking to myself and not to him
And although I know that he is blind
Still I say, there's a way for us🎨🎤

She began to see memories within the fire, just him and her. Some were bad, the rest felt so sweet. The flames were out and she walked as the rain grew heavy. The flowers beyond the path glowed as she followed it.

🎤🎨I love him, but when the night is over
He is gone, the river's just a river
Without him, the world around me changes
The trees are bare and everywhere, the streets are full of strangers🎨🎤

She picked a flower, pressing it against her cheek. She headed to the nearby lagoon, watching the waterfall and looking at the water below her.

🎤🎨I love him, but every day I'm learning
All my life, I've only been pretending
Without me, his world would go on turning
A world that's full of happiness that I have never known🎨🎤

She began to feel tears in her eyes, sitting on her knees as she dropped the flower in the lagoon. She began to weep. Her mother was watching everything, coming up behind her.

🎤🎨I love him
I love him
I love him
But only on my own🎨🎤

Mystia gently touched her daughter's shoulder, having Mystic look up at her. The two embraced before heading back to the hut. From there, the three were ready to head to bed. "Maybe we could go for a trip on the boat, sweetie," Pocu suggested, kissing Mystic's head. "You just need to stop thinking- well, you know, take your mind off of-" Pocu's sentence was stopped when a rumbling sound on the floor, a violent shake started. Everyone outside of the family's home could feel it but they only felt a little of the vibration from the ground. A red cloud surrounded the three as the ground cracked, opening up as demons came out, revealing The Devil. Pocu went in front of Mystia and Mystic. Mystic's eyes widened. "YOU! Why are you here?!" Pocu shouted.

The Devil stepped off the demons, "I am here for Mystic, isn't it obvious?"

"Don't even think about taking her away from us! We got her back, the deal has been done, we are not trading her for anything!" Pocu was very protective and Mystic and Mystia hadn't seen him like this before.

The Devil rolled his eyes, "I am not going to kidnap her. Sheesh, you mortals love to jump to conclusions... I am here to- talk with her. May I speak with the princess?"

Pocu was about to object to his request but Mystic stepped out from behind him. "You... May. Mom, dad, can Devil and I speak in peace? Alone?"

Pocu looked at Mystia but Mystia approved. "You may. Pocu, let's give them space." She pulled her husband's arm, taking him away from the room. The Devil and Mystic were alone at last. Things as always went awkward with them.

"Huh? Surprised that your mother is okay with me dropping by," The Devil said.

"Same but she didn't want to stop my decision to talk with you again. I have been wanting to but I knew you would..." Mystic looked down, a frown forming.

"Reject you? Push you away?" The Devil answered as Mystic nodded. "Mystic, I came here to do the opposite. You know, today is my birthday and I felt so alone without you. Last year, you made my birthday feel so alive despite my behavior."

"I did?" The Devil took her hands, pulling her close.

"Yes, you did. The casino and my kingdom aren't the same now that you are home. I wanted to say that I am very sorry that I lied to you. I just didn't want us to hurt. Love is such a hard thing and I could never understand it but once you opened me up to it, I felt something inside of me change. You showed me feelings that I ignored. My only love was to torment and collect souls but another thing that I love is being with the woman who is a shining gem with kindness. I missed you Mystic." Mystic began to cry, The Devil used his finger to wipe her tears away. "Don't cry, darling. Was it too much?"

"No, no, no, it was not." She sniffled. She hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go of him. "I felt so alone. You made me feel strong along with the casino gang. This is such a surprise though. I thought that you didn't care anymore but you're here now. Are you r-really here? Is it a dream? Are you an illusion?"

The Devil raised his brow. "Not at all! I am here to comfort you." His face flared up as he was kissed suddenly.

"I love you..." Mystic whispered. "Do you love me?"

The Devil blinked, looking down at her. "Mystic? I- I love you." He picked her up, bridal style as he kissed her lips. Mystic held his face, her cheeks turning pink. He put her down, taking her hand. "My dear, I don't know if it is too late or too soon to ask but will you make me the happiest king in all of Inkwell Hell?"

Mystic put her hand on her cheek, tearing up in joy. "That depends... Will you do what you did before?"

"Of course not! I would never! My shimmering pearl, I wouldn't dream of hypnotizing you ever again. I want to be legit this time. I will ask again; Will you be my bride?"

Mystic felt tears now pouring faster, "YES! Yes I will! I love you, Devil!" Mystic kissed his lips once more.

Mystia and Pocu held each other's hands. Pocu looked at Mystia, "Oh boy, I don't know if having Lucifer as my son-in-law is such a good idea?"

"If he makes my daughter happy, I will allow it so long as he treats her right," Mystia kissed Pocu.

"I guess it's fine." Pocu and Mystia finally came out and met the two lovers face to face. "Luci? I won't tell my daughter what she should or should not do. It is her decision that she wants to be with you. If she chooses to leave with you, so be it. I would however like Mystia and I to meet her every now and again."

The Devil walked up to Pocu, holding Mystic by his side. "Mr. Giddens, you have my word. My beloved wishes matter to me and thus, I am a part of your family so I must respect your rules and give you what you wish as well."

"... Then welcome to the family, Lucifer." Pocu put his hand out and shook The Devil's hand.

Everyone went to hug him which made him screech, "TOO MUCH LOVE!! GAH! Ehehehe, I am terribly sorry, I am still getting the hang of this. I have never done a group hug before." Pocu, Mystia, and Mystic laughed.

2 days later...

The Devil and Mystic were at the altar, standing proudly as two birds in eternal bliss of romance. After they stated their vows, the two unusual pairs kissed which everyone clapped and cheered. The Devil and Mystic couldn't be happier. This was their joyous day. The Devil swept his marshmallow queen off her feet and took off. And so, their love bloomed over time, the king's heart wasn't all that dark after all. Mystic was truly his gift.


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