XXVIII. In O'Khasis

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(The picture is from the real Santa Claus' city in Rovaniemi, Finland. It's a really cool place.)

The forest continued to every direction for kilometres. Tommy was really hoping that Hyria was allowing them to walk through the forest, because they had already been moving for almost half an hour. The good thing about the forest was the fact that it was full of shadows that covered him like friends.

"We have walked past that flower for twenty-eight times now", Katelyn groaned and pointed at a Lily of the valley that was on the ground.

"No, we have not. You keep saying that about every single Lily of the valley we walk past. We haven't been sent back even once", Aphmau sighed and glanced at Katelyn. She swore to Irene that she loved the woman, but sometimes she got just way too annoying.

"How long can it take to get out of one huge forest? We're never getting to O'Khasis in time if we can't get out of this forest soon!" Garroth exclaimed. While Katelyn was getting on Aphmau's nerves, Garroth was getting on Tommy's.

"Would you have preferred a boat that would have gotten caught by the Tu'la guards?" the younger blonde asked, glaring at the older.

"I would have preferred making it through this forest more quickly", Garroth snapped. His worry was staring to be a problem.

"If you don't shut up about that, we're not going to O'Khasis", Tommy warned the guard. "You can't decide that", Garroth reminded.

"Well, he's my son. If he wants something, I'll listen to him with no hesitation. You better watch your mouth Garroth, we're trying to get there as fast as we can", Aphmau jumped in with a commanding tone in her sweet voice.

Garroth hesitated, but actually shut his mouth. He didn't say anything for the rest of the journey through the forest.

           "So, what's the plan now? We can't just walk in through the gates of O'Khasis like we're some welcomed guests", Katelyn rolled her eyes and turned to look at Aphmau.

"There's this one place I know. I'm pretty sure if they're still here, they will have some really useful information that will get us into O'Khasis", Aphmau answered and turned to look at little hill next to them. "Is it what you mentioned?" Tommy asked.

Aphmau nodded. "It's exactly what I mentioned to you."

"So the child knows something we don't know, perfect", Katelyn groaned and looked at Aphmau.

"The one, who you're calling a child, is my adult son. I thought he should know before he decided if he came with us. Now ignore that and let's go see if there's some life in this place", Aphmau turned her back on everyone else and began walking towards the wall that she was familiar with.

          Making their way to O'Khasis was a bit easier with the help of Amber from the thieves guild. She helped them inside the walls, but the disappeared back to her boss.

"We're inside the walls. Has someone got a plan for what do we do next?" Tommy taunted, looking at Garroth. At this point he wouldn't even be surprised if the older guard didn't have a plan.

"I actually do have a plan", Garroth snapped back, glaring at Tommy, who scowled. He was getting fed up with Garroth's attitude.

"Well, what is it?" he taunted. Garroth gritted his teeth at the younger's taunting. He was feeling disrespected and it didn't help the situation at all.

"We can't do anything in this daylight. I hope you have realised that", Katelyn jumped in, giving Garroth a glare. The situation was 2 vs 1. Tommy and Katelyn vs Garroth. Aphmau hasn't picked a side yet.

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