XXVIII. A Wedding

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Tommy and Levin made their way to the Irene statue, talking about Phoenix Drop's guarding. They were going to see how their mom was doing with decorating the place for a wedding Emmalyn and Kenmur had announced when the group had gotten back from getting the lost family members back home.

"So, you're leaving with mum and the others to go look for place for the Phoenix Alliance?" Levin asked from his older brother.

"Yeah, I've really grown attached to traveling and it would be a nice change to see this world more," Tommy hummed. He had thought the decision for days, but had come to the conclusion that he should leave with his mum, temporarily.

"Alright, well, you'll be always welcome to come back as you know. This is your home after all!" Levin smiled.

"Don't worry! I'll come and pay a visit once we find an island and get settled in," Tommy informed and ruffled his younger brother's hair.

They had reached the staircase that led to the platform that had been put up for the wedding place. They climbed up to see Aphmau doing the finishing touches to the decoration.

"Hey mum!" Tommy greeted her once looked like ah had finished.

"Tommy! Levin! Do you like it?" Aphmau smiled and turned to face her boys. She was really excited to get a change to decorate for a wedding again.

"I think it looks beautiful! You've done a great job mom!" Levin complimented.

"Yeah, it looks really good!" Tommy smiled.

"Good to hear that you like it!" Aphmau smiled brightly, but her smile died a bit, "But I don't know I this is what Emmalyn and Kenmur wanted," She admitted.

"They'll love this, I know they will!" Tommy spoke. "It's really beautiful and you know that they appreciate your work!" He continued.

"Tommy's right! They asked you to decorate it meaning that they trusted you with it! They know you'll make it pretty and they'll love it!" Levin encouraged her too.

"Thank you boys! I really appreciate that!" Aphmau smiled to them. "Don't forget to go crab your outfits from Cadenza before the wedding starts, I have to go get mine now so I can go help Emmalyn get ready!" She spoke before waving and hurrying off to the direction of Cafenza's house.

"C'mon Clem! Let me put a ribbon on your head!" Tommy begged his daughter as they sat on Kiki's barn, or what was left of it.

Clementine just giggled and dodged every time Tommy put the ribbon closer to her head. She wanted the ribbon, but of course she wouldn't let her father just easily put it on her head.

"It's not that hard to just sit still!" Tommy groaned.

Clementine gave him a big smile before standing up and running behind him tree. She like playing tag even if her father didn't really appreciate always.

"Fuck you Clem! C'mere! It's not so hard!" Tommy groaned and sunk on the floor. Luckily no one really came to the old barn anymore.

For the next 10 minutes Clementine just run away from Tommy before finally giving up and sitting in from of him to get her ribbon.

Tommy sighed in relieve and placed the ribbon on top of her head before she transformed back to a moth. The ribbon stayed through the transformation and now Tommy had a moth with a pink ribbon on her head.

"Pog!" Tommy exclaimed and proudly watched as the moth spun around in the air without dropping her ribbon, she seemed satisfied too.

"Now I gotta go get my own suit," Tommy sighed and began walking towards Cadenza's house with Clementine, who had landed on his hair.

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