III. A House

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Tommy had been playing with Levin and Malachi the whole day at the tree house. They all had really fun time together. Aphmau also came to play with them after completing her works.

When they got home, there was a brunette guard waiting for them with Garroth. Aphmau introduced him to Tommy. Apparently he was Laurance and he was Aphmau's guard, also a Shadow Knight. Tommy had learned about Shadow Knights from Aphmau and Zoey, so he knew what that meant.

"So, now you have three sons," Laurance smiled as they sat down around the table.

"Yeah," Aphmau chuckled.

"Do you like Phoenix Drop Tommy?" Laurance asked from Tommy.

"I don't like Phoenix Drop, I love it!" Tommy smiled.

"Amazing! Lady Aphmau has done everything to make Phoenix Drop safe and perfect," Laurance smiled moving his eyes to the Lord of the village.

"That's true," Aphmau chuckled. "I wanted to make Phoenix Drop safe and perfect, so I did that."

"I think that you did good job with that mum," Tommy smiled.

"Thank you Tommy," Aphmau smiled back to her son.

The door was opened and a certain blue haired male stormed in. He quickly catched his breath and turned to look into Aphmau.

"Lady Aphmau, Lady Katelyn is coming!" He managed to say.

Aphmau's eyes went wide open and she turned to look at Zoey, "Take the boys upstairs!"

"Of course! Come with me Levin, Malachi, Tommy!" She answered leading the boys upstairs.

"What is going on?" Tommy quietly asked from Zoey as the closed the door behind them.

"Lady Katelyn is the Jury of Nine member from O'Khasis. Aphmau doesn't fully trust her, so she doesn't want her to see you boys," Zoey explained. "She's afraid that if Lady Katelyn might do something bad if she finds out about you." She continued.

"Alright, I think I understand," Tommy nodded.

"Let's hope Lady Katelyn isn't up to anything that isn't good," Zoey sighed looking at the door.

"Yeah," Tommy answered quietly.

Levin and Malachi had started playing with their toys and wanted Tommy to join them. Soon they all had already forgotten about the worries.

After some time Aphmau finally came upstairs and joined their playing. She didn't say anything about Lady Katelyn, and no one asked about her.

Soon Garroth came to the room telling Aphmau that Lucinda was going to wake up Alexis and Aphmau left with him.

"What exactly happened to Alexis?" Tommy asked after Zoey had put Levin and Malachi to bed.

"Zane.. He used a spell to posses Alexis and turned her to an adult female.. It was horrible when we didn't have anything to help her, until Lucinda came," Zoey smiled slightly. "Now she finally managed to cure her," She continued smiling.

"Lucinda sounds like an amazing person," Tommy admitted.

"She really is. She wants to show people that all of the witches aren't evil," Zoey explained.

"I've never met a witch before," Tommy said. "There isn't really much magics in my dimension," He shrugged.

"That's really interesting. I've never even heard about that kind of dimension," Zoey said with curiosity.

"It's really not that special," Tommy shrugged. "It's kind like this dimension, but without magics and a bit better technology," He explained.

"I see," Zoey nodded.

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