XX. Mysteries

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Niki kept reading the books first page over and over again. She didn't quiet understand anything. The book was old and the pages were yellowish and the text was written in Tommy's handwriting. How could the book be Tommy's if it was so old?

She took a deep breath in and sighed. This made Eret turn around and look at her behind their glasses, "What's it now, Niki?" He asked from her pinkette sister.

Niki looked back at them, "I don't understand this! This book has only one clear page and it seems to be centuries old! Plus, the only thing here is a letter from Tommy to Tubbo!" She exclaimed. She sighed again and ran her hand through her pink hair.

"Do you think it's just a prank? Or do you think it's real?" Eret asked and got up to walk to his sister. She sat down on the couch next to her and looked at the book. Niki looked at him and pointed at the text, "Look at that. The pages are actually old. But the thing is the fact that the text has been written when this book has been old. Look at it, it blends perfectly in the page!" She pointed out.

"It mentions this person names Aphmau. I remember Tommy saying that name when he left. Then there's Levin and Malachi. He mentioned them too and Malachi was the one who came to get him. Do you think this could be a good letter Tommy wrote when he went to that place called Phoenix Drop?" Eret thought out loud and turned their gaze from the book to Niki.

"I think it might be real, but why did Ranboo have it? Does he know something we don't?" Niki asked the next question. The whole situation was full of mysterious filled with holes. They needed answers, but where could they get answers from.

"We should go ask Phil and Techno what they know," Eret decided. "If Ranboo went to look for the oldest Watson, they have to know who they are," He explained and Niki had to agree. Looked like they were going to the syndicate.

          Niki and Eret arrived to the syndicate's territory. They both knew that Techno and Phil wouldn't appreciate Eret's visiting, but this was a special situation and Niki wanted Eret to come with her.

Soon Phil appeared to their vision. He looked a bit confused and concerned. He definitely didn't seem happy about Eret being there, but didn't say anything yet. He walked through the snow to the duo.

"What brings you two here?" He asked calmly, but they both saw how he glared at Eret.

"We have a mystery on our hands. We found an old book with Tommy's handwriting on it. It's a letter for Tubbo and it seems to be from Phoenix Drop," Eret explained politically. They both saw how Phil tensed.

"Tommy's gone," Phil snapped. "We don't need him in our lives. You should throw the book away," He continued coldly. Niki and Eret noticed the way he talked about Tommy. It was pure hatred and disgust.

"I would like to hear more about it," A familiar monotone voice came from behind them. Everyone turned around to face Techno, who was glaring at his father with eyes full of blame.

"Techno-" Phil started, but Techno cut him off, "Shut up!" He snapped and stepped towards his father. "Even if you never had a heart for Tommy, I still do! Tommy's my brother and I love him, even if I don't always show it!" Techno exclaimed to Phil. Phil was his father, but he still couldn't forgive the old blonde after everything he had done to Tommy.

"Come on inside. I want to know what you have found out about him," Techno nodded towards the house, now completely ignoring Phil. Niki and Eret followed him inside and they sat down on the couch.

"So, what do you know?" Techno started kinda awkwardly. He wasn't used to showing people that he cared about Tommy.

Niki quickly explained him the book and Ranboo's odd behavior and leaving. She didn't mention tge oldest Watson yet, because she wanted ask about it after telling everything else.

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