XV. Oh Fuck-

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A young dirty blonde boy was sitting next to a grip. In the grip was sleeping his two months old brother. The blonde had just fallen asleep after three hours of non-stop crying. The dirty blonde was really tired and he just wanted to sleep, but he didn't want to leave his brother alive.

"Grian," A sharp toned voice called from the door. The dirty blonde easily recognized his father's voice and hesitatedly turned around to face him. "Yes?" He asked quietly.

"What did I say about letting the baby cry? Haven't you looked at the clock! It's 2 am and I'm trying to sleep! Wilbur and Techno can't sleep either because of the crying!" His father exclaimed, sounding extremely mad. He hated his youngest child for killing his wife.

"I-I'm sorry..! B-but he's just a b-baby! He cries a lot, and i-it's normal..!" Grian tried to nervously explained the situation. He knew his father knew it, but didn't care. Grian still tried his best to make him understand.

"If I hear him cry one more time, you're both gonna spend the rest of the week outside!" His father snapped before turning around and walking away. His footsteps echoed through the house and ended after Grian heard a door shut closed.

Grian gulped and turned to look at his younger brother. He didn't want his brother to spend the rest of the week outside. He didn't care if he himself had to do that because the baby was more important than him.

"It's gonna be okay, Toms!" He whispered to the baby and carefully brushed his blonde hair with his finger. Little Tommy was peaceful snoring in his bed, Grian really hoped he wouldn't wake up crying in the middle of the night.

          Some months passed and Phil still wasn't showing any kind of interest about taking care of Tommy. Grian was still taking care of him alone with a bit of help from Wilbur and Techno when Phil wasn't looking.

Now Phil had taken Wilbur and Techno with him to a travel for two weeks and Grian was all alone at home with little Tommy. Everything was going pretty well, at least for now.

Grian was sitting on the couch with baby Tommy on his arms. At least he wasn't crying yet. Grian was only a bit tired, but it was understandable. He was only 11 and taking care of almost a year old baby.

"Hey, Toms, would you like to hear another story?" Grian asked from his brother and held him closer to his chest. The boy's big blue eyes immediately turned to him. Tommy loved listening to Grian talk.

"Let me tell you about Clara and her adventures again! This time I was thinking of the story about her trip to the moon. She traveled with a really cool spaceship that she had gotten from Kristin, you reminder Kristin? Anyways, Clara had always dreamed of visiting the moon. She loved looking at it from the Earth. Now her dream was finally coming true! She was really excited!" Grian told the baby. He remembered how their mother had used to tell him about her adventures. Now he wanted to share them with his younger brother.

"So, Kristin sent her spaceship towards the moon. Clara was flying for the first time! It was really exciting and scary! She saw the Earth get smaller and smaller as she got closer and closer to the moon! Her suit wasn't the most comfortable, but she needed it to stay alive. Soon she however forgot the uncomfortable feeling as she saw the moon right in front of her. She parked her spaceship and got out. The moon felt hard under her shoes and she was amazed by the material! The gravity there was so much different and everything looked so amazing! She was so excited to start exploring the moon!" Grian exclaimed. He didn't want to go to all the boring details because well, he was telling the story to a baby. He needed to make everything exciting and interesting.

"She wanted to explore the moon foe hours, but Kristin began calling her back. She was mad at Kristin, but didn't have other opinions than just following her orders. She returned to her spaceship and back to the Earth. There she wanted to tell all of her friends about her travel! But no one believed her! She was sad and disappointed. Kristin reminded her that she was the only one who was getting this special treatment from her. Clara begged Kristin to send her back. Kristin just shook her head and said that Clara had to understand that she couldn't always get what she needed. Clara just had to be satisfied and leave back to her husband. She had seen the moon, she didn't need to be selfish and keep begging for more. Kristin really wished Clara had listened," Grian ended. He glanced at Tommy, who was starting to slip to sleep. He smiled and held the boy closer to his chest.

    Of course Tommy didn't sleep for long. Soon he was already up and crying. Grian tries his best to calm him down, but nothing was working. Tommy wasn't hungry, he hadn't peed in his diaper, he didn't want the pacifier, he didn't want the toys.

Grian tried to rock him gently, but it wasn't doing anything. The dirty blonde was so close to tears as the smaller one just kept wailing non-stop.

"Toms, please just stop crying," Grian begged him and tried to show him his Henry-cow. Tommy just kept crying.

Grian decided to set Tommy on his baby chair and went to warm up some milk as the baby kept crying.

As Grian tried to put the milk to a bottle, it spilled all around the floor and to his pants and socks. "FUCK!" He exclaimed and immediately slapped his hand to his mouth. And as he did that, he let go of the bottle he had been holding and caused even more milk to spill on his socks.

This whole chaos had caught Tommy's attention. Grian hadn't even noticed the silence that had fallen once he had sworn after spilling the milk. Grian was too focused on the hot milk that now stained his pants and sock along with the floor and stove. He had to admit that the smell of warm milk was not the most pleasant.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck..." He muttered and crouched down to pick up the bottle from the floor. He had to clean up quickly because the floor was definitely not a fan of getting wet and he didn't want to do any permanent damage.


Grian froze immediately. His mouth fell open and he turned to face the baby, who was giggling and repeating the word he had just learned. Grian couldn't move. He was so shocked. Had he just made the baby calm down by making a mess and made him say his first word? Which wasn't so bad, except that his first word was literally the word 'fuck'. Well, at least he was doing better job at being a father (or rather a father figure/big brother) than Phil.

"Oh fuck-" Was all he managed to say, which was definitely not a good thing because that caused Tommy just repeat the word louder.

    Grian managed to clean the mess and sat down on the couch with Tommy. The boy was still repeating 'fug' and didn't want to shut up. Grian couldn't help but grin at the thought of how Phil would reach. He wouldn't be happy, but Wilbur and Techno would be probably laughing their asses off.

"Toms, dear, honey, love, could you please stay quiet?" Grian begged. He loved seeing his baby brother so happy, but the fact that he was basically non-stop swearing was not a good thing for the baby to do.

"Fug!" Tommy giggled. Grian's heart melted. The boy was so adorable when he looked at Grian with his big blue eyes and gave him the biggest smile possible.

"Phil is so gonna kill me," Grian whispered quietly. He couldn't bring himself to call Phil his dad anymore after he had seen him just straight up abandoned Tommy without even naming him.

Grian had been the one to name him Tommy, but Techno had wanted the name Theseus. Wilbur had wanted the name Thomas and Phil hadn't been interested at all. They had ended up naming him Theseus Thomas Watson. Tommy was just a nickname, but Grian really hoped he would use it.

(And little did Grian know that in the future (past) Tommy would abandon his other names and start only using the name Tommy.)

Grian looked down at the baby and smiled. He was so lucky to have such an amazing brother to bring happiness to his life. Tommy almost felt like a son to him, ignoring the fact that Grian was literally only 11. All he wanted was to make sure that Tommy was happy and safe.

But little did Grian know that someone was keeping an eye on him from the shadows. That someone would come and ruin his life sooner than Grian would even imagine... And then it would be too late to do anything.. His fate was already sealed...

The Watchers were right there, waiting for him to come and join their army. They didn't care about feelings because all they did was ruin lives. Like they would soon do to Grian.

Words: 1592

(Grian and baby Tommy. This is part of their past. 2nd part coming next up, once I write it)

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