III. The Travel Begins

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Tommy was under the deck, sitting next to a bed where Clementine was supposed to be sleeping - notice: supposed to. Of course she wasn't asleep and was trying to get as much attention from her father as possible.

"C'mon Clem! For fucks sake! Your supposed to be asleep!" Tommy groaned at the girl, who just giggled at his frustration.

The ship had been sailing for hours and Tommy was pretty sure Travis was lost. Especially since he heard the fighting between him and Lucinda, which didn't make Clementine's sleeping situation any better.

He heard someone open walk to him and turned around to see Aphmau, "Can you go tell those two fuckers to stay quietly?" Tommy was a bit pissed now since his precious daughter was not sleeping.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go see what they're up to," Aphmau chuckled at her son's frustration and disappeared to the other room where Lucinda and Travis were.

"And now you better start sleeping or I'm gonna throw dropkick you off of this damn ship," Tommy warned Clementine.

     After Clementine had finally fallen asleep, Aphmau came back to explain that apparently they were a bit lost, but Travis would figure it out if they gave him some time alone.

Tommy nodded, "I'll stay 'ere with Clem, but I won't go to bother him."

"Alright," Aphmau hummed. "Well, I'll go to the deck with the others. Isabella's coming here soon, she can watch over Clem," She added.

     After hours of just sailing, they reached an island. It was not the island they had been looking for, but it was an island.

Tommy got out of the ship with Clementine. The others were planning some kind of exploring. Tommy wasn't yet quite sure if he wanted to go exploring, or if he wanted to watch over his little gremlin.

"I could watch over her if you want to go explore the island with Lady Aphmau and her group," Isabella offered. She really wanted a change to steal the toddler to herself.

"Thank you Isabella, I think I'm gonna leave her with you," Tommy smiled to the female, who seemed really excited about the fact that she was going to get the toddler.

     Tommy joined the group with Aphmau, Laurance and Aaron. They went to the mountains to have a look at the island from above. Katelyn, Vylad and Chad went to the opposite direction. Lucinda, Isabella and Clementine stayed next to the ship while Travis was inside, trying to figure out where they were supposed to go.

"If someone falls into a hole I'm gonna lose it-" Tommy began and right on the moment they heard Laurance scream.

"Laurance!" Aphmau called out and they hurried to the place where he had last been.

"That looks like a hole," Aaron hummed.

"And what the fuck did I just say?" Tommy snorted and looked at the hole where Laurance was laying.

"Stop laughing and come help me!" Laurance yelled from hole.

"Are you hurt?" Aphmau shouted back to him.

"I'm alright, but I don't know how to get out of here!" Laurance answered loudly.

"We're coming down!" Aphmau answered and looked at Aaron and Tommy.

Before anyone got to say anything else, Tommy just jumped down to the hole and landed perfectly on his feet.

"Hey," Tommy just smirked to Laurance, who definitely had not expected that.

Soon Aaron jumped down too and Aphmau jumped to his arms, which Laurance didn't seem to really appreciate.

The group made their way through the cave and met some Wyverns, who Aphmau seemed to know and understand.

The Freedom I Wanted {Dream Smp x Minecraft Diaries Crossover}Where stories live. Discover now