XXVI. The Ghost Stroking His Hair

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(The picture is from Lapland. It's from last winter.)

Tears fell down on Aphmau's face. She was sitting in Castor's small house hidden in the mountains. She was sobbing a lot, Castor frowned and looked at her.

"You know, he wouldn't be mad", he placed his hand on her shoulder. "He would just be happy for you. He wouldn't judge you. He has already died, passed on. He wouldn't want you to hang from him for the rest of your life", he continued.

"I.. I broke.. Our promise.. H-he'll never f-forgive me!" Aphmau cried and buried her face to her hands.

"Jess, please stop crying and calm down. It's going to be alright, Sly would never hate you", Castor sighed softly and looked into her eyes.

Aphmau raised her empty eyes and looked back at him. "I betrayed him. I fell for someone else after everything we had been through together. I betrayed him!" She exclaimed with tears falling from her eyes.

"Jess, I think you need some time. What if we go back to the Hall of Justice for a while?" Castor suggested.

"The flames are gone. It will feel too empty, I don't want to see it. I don't want to believe they dead. I keep lying to myself, thinking they're still alive. If I went back to the Hall, I would see their shut fires and that would make me realise that they're not alive anymore", Aphmau admitted with no hesitation. She didn't want to lie to Castor, she didn't want to live in a lie, but it was impossible, because she was already lying to so many people. Right now her whole life was a lie.

"The Few is gone, there's nothing we can do anymore. There never was anything we could have done to save them. Now we have to keep living, even if they aren't here with us anymore", Castor spoke quietly and wrapped his arms around her.

Tommy looked at Katelyn and Garroth, they were standing by Phoenix Drop's gates, waiting for Aphmau to arrive so they could get going to the Nahakra Village through the forest. The sun had started rising in the distance, it kinda bothered Tommy, but he tried to ignore it.

The next full moon was going to be soon. Tommy always felt weaker during the days near it. He wasn't made for spending time outside during the days, but he still did it. He knew it was risky, but he was already too used to it.

"Aphmau should have already arrived", Katelyn groaned and rises her hand to cover her eyes from the sunlight as she looked towards the path that led to the gates.

"Mum will probably come soon, you know that she has to always meet everyone before leaving anywhere", Tommy pointed out, leaning against the mossy wall that surrounded the village.

"She better come soon or we have to leave without her", Garroth mumbled. He was clearly worried and wanted to get to O'Khasis as soon as possible.

"We're not leaving without Aphmau", Katelyn warned, glaring at Garroth.

"Mother needs my help as soon as possible! We don't have time to spare waiting for Lady Aphmau to arrive!" Garroth exclaimed and glared back at Katelyn.

"O'Khasis is probably full of Tu'la soldiers! Going there is going to be so risky! We have to wait for Aphmau if we really have to go there!" Katelyn snapped back.

"I have to go there to find mother! I can save her by myself, I don't need Lady Aphmau or you to be there with me!" Garroth answered. The atmosphere was growing more heavy.

"If you would go alone, you would die. You're not that strong to survive all the Tu'la guards all by yourself!" Katelyn rolled her eyes and glared at the male.

"Speak about yourself! I can go there and save mother without getting hurt!" Garroth raised his voice.

"Don't-", Katelyn started, but was cut off immediately by Tommy. "Don't try to be a hero if you aren't ready to die like one", the blonde glared at the two older guards.

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