Chapter 35: Comeback

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Rhodes Island, 1 kilometer away from the Iberian military installation.

Liskarm sat rigidly on the bench, her chest rising unsteadily as she gasped for air. Water bottle in hand, she flicks it open and chugs down the entire thing. It helped cool her body down, as she had just finished an intense training simulation with a couple of operators. She leans on the dull grey wall, calming her breathing while wiping the sweat glistening her forehead.

As much as she wants to remove her BsW issued blazer, she doesn't want to look unprofessional while staying on Rhodes Island. Being one of the few who had military training, she needs to set a good example on new recruits. That is, however, when recruits were around. She unbuttons her blouse a bit to let in the cool air from the A/c.

"Whew...that was way worse than I imagined." Franka, who was covered in artificial red powder, slumped on the bench beside her. "Seriously, Instructor Dobermann said it would be an escort mission, why the explosion?"

She lazily leaned her head on Liskarm's lap, much to the Vouivre's dismay. The Vulpo didn't care about looking professional as she was already in her tank top. Franka grabs one of her spare towels, and proceeds to wipe the powder off her face.

"I don't know, Dr. Kal'tsit said we'll be the first Terrans to cross the portal to the other side, so we have..." She suddenly stands up to stretch her back, "to be prepared."

"Ow!" The Vulpo yelps as her head hit the metal surface. She rubs the back of her head, yawning out in the process.

"Even miss Shining was a bit panicked by that simulation." She added, thinking back on the stoic Sarkaz's reaction. It was supposed to be a quick simulation. Oversee the dummy, act as guards, then bring it to the location.

All of a sudden, a horde of targets, labeled as 'corrupted', marched towards them in groups. As they clashed with the first wave, Franka almost took all the kills, leaving the stray dummies to taste a treat from Liskarm's gun.

However, as Dobermann upped the difficulty level of the targets, it became clear to them that their lineup didn't suit the mission, if it ever escalated to that kind of combat. Having to defend the dummy, as well as operators Shining and Nightangle, Liskarm and Franka couldn't keep up with the amount of targets coming in.

Just before the simulation ended, a single, fast moving object that was shaped like a critter strode towards them. It exploded without warning. Being the one with the shield, Liskarm escaped being bathed by the power. The other three? Not so lucky.

"Well...The Doc is here..." Franka said and sat upright, nodding towards the door of the training room. Doctor Ikura stood there, holding a clipboard close to her chest. Shining and Nightangle were beside her and they were talking to the Bolivarian instructor.

"You think they'll change the lineup? Like four combat operators and no support?"

"Make it three combat and support. Balanced, as all things should be."

"I think I've heard that line somewhere..." Franka rubbed a finger on her chin. Liskarm only shrugged her shoulders, before heading towards the Doctor.

"Like I said, and as Kal'tsit wants to do, is have the team be comprised solely by combat operators. The three constructs who arrived an hour ago said that they will handle support, if something goes wrong, which I hope doesn't happen." Doctor Ikura said and writes some notes on her clipboard.

Dobermann scratched her head, before sighing. "It's your call doc, though I don't fully trust them yet, that's why I recommended the previous lineup."

Doctor Ikura puts a reassuring hand on the ex-soldier's shoulder. "Better trust them now, since we'll have a stable partnership with them soon. Hopefully."

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