Commandant's file

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[Anastasia during the second conquest of city 015]

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[Anastasia during the second conquest of city 015]


|Basic info|

Name: Anastasia "Ana" Svetlana
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 60 kg



Long, knee length grey hair frames Anastasia's smooth, pale face. Her eyes are the coldest shade of pewter gray, usually giving her a look of a cold-blooded killer. She almost always wears a blank look and a poker face, never smiling. Anastasia doesn't favor make-up or any type of extravagant attire, as she believes it's a waste of time. She is never seen wearing jewelry or cosmetics, except for the black ribbon tied behind her right ear. She wears the standard white and grey uniform when on duty, and dons a white jacket and black under garments when off duty.

She stands at a stunning height of 5'10, and stands head and shoulders over her peers. She has strong arms and legs from years of hard training. Due to this fact, Anastasia is extremely agile and lithe, with long, slender fingers that could sometimes be mistaken as if she was a pianist. Her left arm is completely prosthetic from her hand to her elbow. Her Siberian accent seemed faded over the years due to speaking English for most of the time, though if you listen carefully, you could still make out some of it.


Anastasia is somewhat described as a boring person by her batch mates. She dislikes going to crowded places, and would mostly prefer being back at the base doing maintenance and paperwork. She is a hard worker, sometimes, if not always, goes overtime just to finish the paperworks. In her free time, she could be found on the gym or at the shooting range. She is usually seen weight lifting and jogging on treadmills in her free time. She firmly believes that one should keep honing their skills to the max, because you wouldn't know when you'll be stuck in a life & death situation.

If you think that someone as smart as her is good at talking to others, then you're wrong. She is mostly quiet when it's not necessary to speak, just silently observing her surroundings. Her coolheadedness and elegance is quite the sight to see, given that she's not even in her twenties. She only really opens up when talking with the members of Gray Raven. She can be insufferably cold to talk to, but she tries not to disappoint.


She often speaks in rapid mix of Siberian and Russian when she's upset or angry.


File #1

Anastasia Svetlana is the current Commandant of Gray Raven. She graduated at the top of her class with outstanding grades and was even called the nickname 'The prodigy'. She passed the requirements to become a construct, but she chose to pursue the career on tactical command and perfecting battle plan strategies.

During an incident on one of the students training, she lost her left arm when she bravely fended off a swarm of corrupted, using only a handgun and a kukri blade. After the accident, nicknamed 'bloody sunday', she managed to protect 54 students from Babylonia, as well as the teachers accompanying them. She was only 13 years old at that time, and she is the youngest person to ever receive 1st class merit, the highest award given to soldiers.

When medics asked her why she didn't ran away and instead chose to fight, she responded this;

"When someone tells you what you're doing is pointless, how would you respond?"


"...My response? It's easy. Just kill them so it isn't pointless anymore."

File #2

Rumors circulating around says that she's a subject of a failed experiment, one that enhances humans to exceed their fragile capabilities. It's true that her tactical prowess in battle is close to none, and her physical abilities are considered inhuman by her peers, but no evidence can be found in Babylonia's terminals pertaining to that said experiment.


Access denied.

Authority level too low.

File #3

Proficient in using all kinds of martial arts. Anastasia's marksmanship is on par with elite constructs, sometimes even surpassing them. Has three kukri blades hidden on her body, which she always changes location every day. Likes to disassemble guns when bored, sometimes even modifying it. Her left hand can always be seen holding a gun on it, except when in Babylonia. She has heard a lot of stories about Lee, the lost construct and a former member of Gray Raven. However, the topic of his disappearance is a sensitive one, especially when Lucia and Liv are around.

Her placement was supposed to be in Cerberus squad to act as an experimental commander, but President Hassen disagreed with Commander Nikola. He argued that by placing her into Gray Raven, she would play a  key role to humanity's fight against the Punishing Virus.

Let's just hope that he's right.

Author's notes:

(Credits to chihuri for the pic!)

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