Chapter 15: A break

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"So let me get this straight." Kalt'sit, who was sitting on the swivel chair, rubbed her temple. "You want me to send you out and investigate the disappearance of those soldiers from Laterano and Iberia? Are you out of your mind?" Kalt'sit said and sighed.

"Yes, I am out of my mind. Kalt'sit, this could be something bigger than we thought! I've heard a lot about Laterano's Apostolic Gun-Knights, they're not your ordinary run-of-the mill military. Those Sankta's are supposed to be elite. How could three squads consisting of eighteen, gun wielding, highly trained angels disappear without so much of a trace?" Lee refuted, making Kalt'sit sigh again. As much as she hates to admit, he's got a point to make. She was also baffled about the incident, although Lee hasn't managed to crack the rest of the classified data. It really is worth investigating, but...

"Rhodes Island Isn't yet self sustaining. We need resources from other cities and nearby countries to keep on going. By sticking our noses into something dangerous like this one, the situation may backfire to us." Kalt'sit argued back and drummed her fingers on her desk. They have been locked in a duel inside her office for over four hours now, discussing the events that Lee learned about.

"You're right." Lee suddenly said, catching the lynx lady by surprise.


"But what will you do if this was the work of the corrupted." He stubbornly persisted. "Kalt'sit, just think about it. I was warped here after a long, ardouos battle. What if the same thing happened to him? Just look at him." He says and stood up, pointing at the scars the construct suffered. "These battle scars are all too common from where I came from. Terra isn't ready for another war. Infected and the uninfected are already at each other's throats. Do you want to save people?"

"*Sigh*, yes, I do want to save people, even if it's not everyone. That's the Rhodes Island way." Kalt'sit gave him a serious look before walking up to the window.

"I just don't know what to do right now. It was just a normal day of work for me when suddenly, the knowledge of another world, another pandemic and all sorts of things are now running rampant in my mind. I don't want to regret my decision, and most importantly. I don't want to compromise the entirety of Rhodes Island." She sighed and looked at him intently. She knows that he only wants to do what's best, but the risk is too high.

"Dr. Kalt'sit." Lee said and placed a hand on his chest. "I'm not human anymore. I don't have a heart. I'm a construct made for battle. That's my only purpose, and my lifetime goal is to return to Earth. But if the punishing virus makes landfall here in Terra, I can't handle it."

"That's why I'm here, standing in front of you, asking you to send me into that town. It's all just speculations for now, but it's better to be safe than sorry." Lee looks at her, his eyes filled with determination. Kalt'sit knew that he was the best operator for the job. But after learning what he already went through, and what she put him into back in Lungmen, her conscience won't handle it if he dies.

"Come on," Lee nudged her to accept. "I know you'll do the right thing."

'Seriously, this guy... What a troublesome opponent to handle.' Kalt'sit sighed mentally and crossed her arms.

"Fine. Alright, you'll handle it. I do hope that I'm not making a mistake here."

"Finally!" Lee shouted and made a victory pose, making Kalt'sit burst into laughter afterwards. When she looked at him, however, he was looking at her with eyes wide open.


"Oh n-nothing. I just thought that, you should smile more often too." Lee said with a low voice, almost like a whisper.

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