Chapter 33: Remnants of The East

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A/n: (Warning, some parts contain fucked up shit that would make anyone's blood boil. It involves rape, though I do not, and would not, condone such animalistic acts. So I apologize in advance if some would find it uncomfortable, which you should, because if you don't, you're on the deep end already.)



Anastasia opened her eyes, blinking a few times as her vision adjusted to the relatively recognizable place. She squints her eyes to scan the room, only to be met by the familiar building of the abandoned factory. Glancing around her in a calm manner, she finds herself standing in a dimly lit hallway. Her eyes wander towards the ceiling, only to find a never-ending white light above her.

"Is this a M.I.N.D. simulation?" The Commandant mutters to herself before walking forward. The place was surrounded by a murky haze, not sufficient to block one's view, but is enough to distraught someone. She puts a hand on her head as she feels a bit queasy, wondering if she was in a trance.

Just walking on the hallway alone, she could already feel that there was a negative energy coming from somewhere in the building. The place was, technically, long dead. Lights flickered on an about, adding to the uneasiness in the atmosphere. Feeling that something wasn't right here, she slowly reaches for her pistol on her holster.


Only to find nothing there.

"...shit..." She stops dead in her tracks as she rummages through her combat pants. Neither her APS nor her kukri's were with her. She realizes that there wasn't anything strapped on her, just her plain uniform. Seeing that she has no weapons to defend herself, if ever something happens, she lets out a sigh.

"At the very least, I still have my fists." She rolled the sleeves of her uniform up to her elbows, as if expecting a brawl. Though she doesn't bother showing off her impressive skills to others, she still prides herself for being a dangerous gal when it comes to close quarters combat.

With that out of her mind, Anastasia goes through the intricate maze-like corridors of the abandoned factory. Try as she might, she couldn't find any traces of corrupted roaming the area. Not even one broken mechanical parts can be seen littered in the hallway. She pokes her head on abandoned rooms from time to time, hoping to find something, but to no avail. Just seeing this was enough for her to think that this wasn't real, because she knows she has already made it back to Babylonia.

But there was this strange feeling on her head. A voice, in the back of her mind, a tugging of sorts, telling her to go deeper down the structure. It felt like she was controlling her body, but at the same time, she feels that she was being controlled. Without any other choice, she turns left towards the stairs and proceeds to go down deeper.

The musky scent of rusted metal tickles her nose, making her sneeze. The familiar door of the last room greeted her, it's hinges still intact like it wasn't busted open from before. She glances back behind her, only to see that there wasn't any staircase leading back above. The only thing left to do is to enter that place.

Tracing her fingers at the rusted door, she firmly grips the handle. Using her strength, she easily pries the door open. The hinges let's out a guttural screech, before completely opening sideways.

"What in the world..." Anastasia muttered and stared at the room wide eyed.

Blood flooded the floor, almost ankle deep. It splashes on her combat boots, staining it in dark blue. After going inside, she then realized that it was vital fluids.

"A...nasta..sia..." A coarse, rough voice called out in front of her, making her look towards the source. Though sundered by a murky haze, she saw a silhouette. Much to her surprise, he was standing there.

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