Chapter 11: Lies and Alibis

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The wall that is Lee just stood there silently. He blocked Silence's path to confront her. The brown haired Liberi had a look of surprise on her face.

"Good morning Lee. May I ask why you're up this early?" Silence controlled her breathing as to not panic. Lee looked at her and narrowed his eyes.

"I could say the same to you Dr. Silence. I just went out for a midnight stroll."

"I see. I also went out to grab some fresh air." Silence replied. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be going back to my room now." She clutches the suitcase harder and went past Lee. She was already a few feet away from him when he spoke.

"Does emerging from a sketchy alleyway in the dead of night with Ifrit counts as grabbing some air?" Said Lee as he turned around. Silence on the other hand, stopped dead in her tracks. His voice echoed in the hallway.

'Don't tell me... He saw us? When? Was he there at the lobby that time?'  Silence asked herself as she slowly faced the person behind her. Lee stood there with a bitter expression on his face. His hands were burried deep into his pockets.

"What are you talking about?" Silence tried to lie her way out. The atmosphere between them was tense. Lee's crimson eyes was staring into hers. It felt like a deep, suctioning abyss was dragging her body as he stared into her soul. "I'm sorry Lee, but can we just talk about this later? I need to get some sleep first." She said as she averted her gaze. She wanted to walk away, but for some reason, she can't move her feet.

"Silence." Lee said and took a step forward. His voice sounded heavy as it reached her ears. "What are you hiding from us?" He kept walking towards her, his long strides made it worse for her.  Silence instinctively took a step backwards as his towering figure began looming over her.

"W-What are you... I'm not... Hiding..." She stammered and hit the glass window behind her. She felt a rising panic deep inside of her as Lee stood in front of her.  Before she knew it, she was already cornered.

"I know you're up to something behind the scenes, and Kalt'sit and the LGD are on it too." Lee took a glance at the suitcase she was holding. "Keeping the escort team in the dark for too long would spell doom for you, Silence." Lee added without revealing the existence of the anonymous sender.

Lee does have a point. Keeping secrets from the escort team will harm them in the long run. But the more people to know about this, the bigger the possibility that someone would leak information to the outside.

When Silence talked with Magallan while she was in the ambulance, Magallan praised Lee for saving her. She said that he's a good guy, but for some reason, Silence feels threatened at the moment.

His sharp gaze ultimately made her submit. "*Sigh*, alright already. I didn't think we needed to tell the escort team about this since we have disguised LGD officers assisting us." Silence said, still not maintaining eye contact. Her voice was a little shaky.

"There's this one colleague of mine back when I was still working for Rhine lab. His name is Ferdinand. Dr. Kalt'sit told me to procure certain items from them. When we contacted them a week ago, they told us that they were currently staying here in Lungmen. That's why Dr. Kalt'sit arranged this mission. Magallan only knows about this because I told her last night." Silence said and took a quick glance at Lee. He had a surprised look on his face, before going back to his usual stern expression.

"And what about Ifrit? I know that she's the reason you left Rhine lab." Lee said. Silence was shocked after hearing this, because only a few people know about the so called 'Diabolic Crisis'. The incident was the root of her quitting Rhine lab.

"How did you..." She trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"I have my sources. Don't worry, confidential things like that won't get out in public." Lee said and glanced around him. He purposely cornered her here to avoid the cameras. "And what are those certain items that Kalt'sit wanted?" He added and points at her suitcase.

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