Chapter 20: Old and new

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Babylonia/ 15:30/ Command room

A gruff man who looked like somewhere in his 40's stood there with his arms across his chest. He was wearing military garments, and had an eye patch covering his right eye, which gave off an imposing look. His hair was cut short, and the lines on his face tells stories that are forgotten in the barren sand dunes of the planet in front of him.

"President Hassen..." A soft voice of a woman spoke beside him. "The person you called is here."

"Celica, I told you not to call me that, but oh well. Alright, let them in" Hassen said and grabbed a badge. He let out a small chuckle and faced the vast emptiness of space again.

"Hehe. Yes Hassen." The woman named Celica began pressing a few buttons on her tablet. After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing a figure standing in the hallway.

A tall, slender girl entered the room, stopping just in front of Hassen before saluting. "Salutations, President Hassen. You called me here sir?" The girl asked him before putting her hands behind her back. Such a well disciplined soldier.

"Yes, you are correct." Hassen said and eyes her up. Celica handed him a file before bowing and exited the room. He reads the file and glances at the girl in front of him. "Anastasia Svetlana, graduated at the top of your class with jaw dropping grades. Passed and perfected the construct training session, but still pursued the tactical command career. Saved a group of students in a training accident when swarms of corrupted attacked the training facility. Singlehandedly wiped out the attackers, at the cost of your left arm. Is the youngest person to be ever awarded the 1st class merit at the age of 13, the highest award humanity will ever give to it's soldiers, in reward for your uncanny bravery." Hassen massages the bridge of his nose and places the folder on the desk. Her achievements are truly outstanding for her age. He stared at her steel colored eyes, balls that looked hollow and deep. He knew full well what events made the eyes of the eighteen year old girl in front of him look like that. Still, given that humanity is on the verge of extinction, this is the most plausible thing to do.

"Anastasia, I called you here to announce that you've been promoted to the rank of Commandant." Hassen said and approached her, before putting the badge on her uniform.

Anastasia stared at him with wide eyes. "...It is a great honor, President Hassen. I will strive to do my best for the betterment of Humanity." She says and proudly salutes. Hassen reciprocated, before shaking her hand.

"Head to the hangar to meet with your new construct squad. They'll brief you with your mission, make sure to get along with them."

"Yes sir!" Anastasia said and went to the door, but stopped halfway. "Excuse me President, if I may... Which squad am I commanding?"

Hassen was taken aback by her question. "I thought you were already informed about it. Well, you'll be the new Commandant of one of the elite squads," he paused and smiles at her.

"And that squad, is Gray Raven."


15 minutes later.

Anastasia walked in a brisk pace until she reached the hangar. It was packed full of people. Constructs and humans alike mingled with each other, all of them attending to their respective missions. Due to her height, she didn't need to tiptoe to find the squad she'll be leading.

She breathed heavily and casually approached a squad consisting of three constructs. A female construct with faded black and red hair immediately noticed her presence. She stood up and saluted her, her sword swaying on her hip.

"You must be our new Commandant. Lucia, at your service." The construct says, making her fellow members do the same.

"I'm Liv. I'm in charge of data specialization and support. Nice to meet you, Commandant." A petite construct with white hair shook her hand. Two levi-guns were floating behind her back, ruining her angelic appearance.

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