Chapter 12: Calm before the storm

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Friday: 12:03 AM
Lungmen port

In an abandoned, run down warehouse located near the docks, a discontented looking male Lupo was pacing back and forth. It was in the middle of the night, and his black tuxedo made him blend into the shadows. A few seconds later, he hears a set of footsteps approaching from behind.

"Boss, those scientists are here." A Sicilian crossbowman says as he appears behind a crate.

"About damn time those goons showed up." The Lupo snorted and went to the meeting spot. After walking a good few meters, he finally spots a gray haired Liberi holding a suitcase. He had a group of entourage behind him. He clicks his teeth out of frustration, as he wanted to punch him so badly in the face.

"Tch, I kept the end of our deal Ferdinand." The Lupo approaches the scientist, his anger flaring up. "Now hand over the fucking payment or else I will kill you right here, right now."

"Still the temperamental type, Lorenzo." The Liberi chuckles, which irritated him more. "Don't worry about the payment, that's why I'm here right now." Ferdinand says and unlocks the suitcase.

"Oh you better pay up. I had 17 of my famiglia get killed because of your plan!" Lorenzo shouts, his memory reminds him of the incident that night. He thought that only a few of his well trained people would finish the job, but it turned out to be completely unexpected. When a scout suddenly broke him the news of the incident, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Only when he observed the scene from afar and watched a video from the internet did he fully believe what became of them. The blue horned monster from that Rhodes Island place single handedly slaughtered them. He didn't even look like a Sankta, yet he wields a weapon resembling a Laterano gun. Unless they learned how to switch off that neon light bulb of a Halo of theirs.

"Is a thousand gold ingots suffice as down payment?" Ferdinand glances at him with a smile. Lorenzo takes one ingot on his hand, examining it before returning it down to the bag.

"As much as I hate to admit it, this'll do." He says as he pops a cigar on his mouth. "Still, I want that fucker dead." He adds.

"You mean that escort from Rhodes Island? I just have something that'll pique his interest." Ferdinand smiles mischievously and gestures to one of the female scientist standing beside him. She hands him a weird looking device and he puts it down on the table. "Hehe, we'll use this to lure his true self out."

"So tell me. Why the fuck would he be interested in that piece of broken junk?" Lorenzo asks, annoyed. He went to the table and studied it. It was a small chip-like device that had wires connected to it. At first glance, it looked like a small tablet.

"Trust me on this one," Ferdinand says and takes the device back to him. "And you'll get your revenge. I have an appointment with one of their scientist this Sunday, and you and your... Famiglia will pose as security."

"Tsk. So you'll double cross them? You eggheads sure are despicable." Lorenzo spats back and a grin forms on his face. "Alright, this'll be the last time we Siracusian's be working with you, so let's finish it." He said and both men shakes hands, marking the start of a brewing conflict within the outskirts of Lungmen.




Saturday: 6:38 pm

Lee was currently inside a fancy restaurant in uptown Lungmen. It was decorated with a classic Yen style look with a red and white finish. Antique decors were also hanging on the walls.

"... Lee? What's on your mind?" A voice spoke across the table, making him flinch as he was brought back from his daydream. Lee looked at the person sitting in front of him.

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