Chapter 19: Reminiscing with the devil

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Unknown location:

Surtr awoke with the knowledge that she isn't alone. She slowly opened her eyes, which took time to adjust to the dark room surrounding her.

'Where am I?' she thought to herself as she tried to get up, but winced in agony as she felt pain on her neck. Surtr then rests a hand on her head, which hurts like hell. After staring at the ceiling for a few seconds, she realizes that a warm blanket was covering her body, as well as a pillow on her head. She felt some bandages wrapped around her arm and legs, probably from wounds she suffered. But who bandaged her? She shrugged the thought aside and closed her eyes. Flashes of events that transpired played before her eyes, and she tried her best to remember if it was real or not.

'Was all of that a... dream?'


Surtr flinched and was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts as footsteps emerged from the other room, a ragged curtain only separating them. After a few seconds, a large silhouette of a man stood there, silently observing her. Surtr glanced at the wooden wall beside her and saw that it was early in the morning. Even though a faint glint of light went through the cracks, she couldn't make out the face of the unknown man.



But before she could finish, an arm shot through the curtains and clamped her mouth shut.

"Mnfg!" Surtr tried her best to remove the man's arm, but was met with immense resistance. She raised her left hand and balled it into a fist, attempting to hit him but failed miserably. The man caught her fist midair before pinning both of her hands on the bed. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she couldn't accept that she was disarmed that quickly. After a few seconds, he gently removed the hand covering her mouth.

"Shh... Hostiles outside." The man whispered and put a hushing gesture on his mouth before slowly glancing at the cracks on the wall. What sounded as crunching footsteps in the sand was heard a few seconds later. Surtr just nodded her head and followed his lead. Her heart was beating fast, too fast for her own liking. Her body was also sweating profusely, maybe because she actually felt fear again for a long time. After what seemed like an eternity, the man finally let go of her arms and ushered her to sit. She finally had a good look at him as he stood up.

For some reason, she felt her jaw dropped a bit. Just for a teenie tiny bit. His blue horns matched his blonde, medium length hair. His eyes were the warmest shade of crimson, rimmed with purple and faded yellow lines, giving him the impression of a devil. He was also standing at an impressively tall height, almost like a bouncer for a Usursian underground cartel boss. And Surtr could make out the muscles beneath the suit and trench coat he's wearing. That's a first, since she always thought that male Sarkaz were just bland looking. Maybe it's time for her to rethink the way she sees them. She wanted to smile, as she clearly was being enchanted by his stunning looks.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! What you did was assault back there!" She really wanted to yell, but ultimately chose to lower her voice in a hiss.

The man reeled back in surprise, before raising his hands like he was surrendering. "Sorry. The Doctor said you're a surprisingly strong woman, so I needed to control you if ever you wake up because you might use violence against me."

She narrowed her eyes, but did he just mentioned the Doctor ?

"So you're from Rhodes Island?" Surtr asked him while eyeing him suspiciously. She wanted to make a run for her sword that is leaning against the wall and repeatedly stab him but she ultimately scratched that thought.

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