Noah bites his bottom lip, looking down at his feet. Leave it to Princeton to make him feel small. "I, uh.. I– I don't know." He admits softly.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I'm still hurt over a lot of the things you did and said, Princeton. Some lunch, a talk and this baby isn't magically going to fix everything. Are you even sorry to begin with?"

"Really?" Princeton laughs. "You want to do this right now?"

"Do what?" Noah crosses his arms over his chest as he looks up at his ex, already catching an attitude with him. "All I did is ask you a simple question. Are you even sorry to begin with, Princeton?"

"Nah, fuck this." Princeton shakes his head, being quite amused by Noah's newfound attitude. His ex-boyfriend has been speaking up more and he can't stand it, but it's amusing regardless. "Call me when you stop being this childish, keep me updated about my child in the meantime. I'll see you around."

That's it — being waved off by Princeton and him acting like his feelings are childish, invalid even, is what leads to Noah blowing up emotionally. He's sick and tired of Princeton treating him like shit and waving off everything he feels. All he does is allow Princeton to walk all over him, just like he does with many others. Valentine being a prime example. None of those people ever take his feelings into consideration, they never listen to what he has to say or how what they do hurt him. That stops today.

If they want to be selfish and inconsiderate, Noah can too, he has decided.

"I don't see the point in keeping you updated about a baby that isn't yours."

Those words cause Princeton to stop dead in his tracks. "Excuse me?" He asks when he turns around to face Noah who doesn't seem to be joking one bit. Did he just hear that correctly? It can't be. Noah would never.

"The baby isn't yours." Noah repeats, feeling adrenaline slowly making its way through his bloodstream. His entire body feels hot all of a sudden, making his stomach hurt even more than before. He should probably stop being as worked up as he is right now. It's clearly upsetting the thing inside him. "Which means I won't call you and you will definitely not see me around. I'm done with you, Princeton."

It doesn't take much to get Princeton mad, he has a short temper, but getting him enraged is a different story. There has been occasions where he lost all control over his short tempered anger, but never towards Noah. Today is different though. "What do you mean the baby isn't mine?" He asks in a deep voice while taking a couple of steps closer to his ex-boyfriend. Noah steps back from him, but that doesn't stop him from getting closer. "That's not possible. Who else could have been fucking you besides me?"

Noah goes to say something, but is interrupted by his name being called. His eyes shift from Princeton to Josiah who comes walking out of his room right then. This can not be happening right now, it can't be.

"Aye, Noah, have you seen—" Josiah stops in his tracks when he sees Princeton towering over Noah who looks like a small bunny being caught by a predator. This doesn't look good. "What's going on?" He asks.

A disbelieving snort comes from Princeton. It doesn't take him long to realize who the other parent is to the baby Noah's carrying. "He was fucking you after all." He states in a sinister voice.

"He sure was." Noah swallows thickly as he keeps his eyes locked with Princeton's. His heart is beating hard against his chest and his breathing uneven. His ex-boyfriend is so unpredictable right now, but he doubts Princeton will do something to him in the presence of Josiah. "And he fucked me good too, way better than you wish you ever could."

Princeton eyes Noah for a split second before doing something unexpected. Controlling his anger is almost impossible anymore. He forcefully pushes Noah with all his strength, taking his ex-boyfriend by total surprise.

"Aye!" Josiah shouts as he watches Princeton push Noah. He strides over to Princeton and shoves him hard. "Don't fucking touch him!"

"Man, get the fuck away from me." Princeton says, going up to Josiah.

While Josiah and Princeton start arguing with each other, Noah tries to regain his composure from where he just fell but he's having trouble. Serious trouble. His stomach is now hurting way more than it was before. Something tells him something isn't right but he can't be bothered to worry about that right now. Not when Princeton and Josiah are yelling and becoming physical with each other.

Noah gets up from where he fell only to feel extremely dizzy. His head hurts too. He squeezes his eyes shut for a split second before opening them again, hoping it will help him focus. Josiah is yelling at Princeton and Princeton is yelling back at Josiah, but Noah can't make out anything from what they're saying. Lolani is standing between them but shouting at Princeton as well. Noah tries to say something, but nothing comes out. Did he hit his head when he fell? Why is no one checking on him?

The dizziness returns and it hits him like a truck. His stomach hurts so bad, he never felt no pain like this before. He feels someone shake him at his shoulder and he looks up. Lolani is talking to him — his best friend looks distressed while talking to him. He looks from Lolani to Princeton and Josiah who are no longer yelling at each other but looking at him instead. Lolani says something to him, but he can't make out what his best friend is saying.

Another wave of pain washes over Noah's entire body, coming straight from his stomach. He clutches onto Lolani who's yelling at Josiah and Princeton both. They seem frantic, all of them. Everything goes black for a second before he opens his eyes again due to Lolani tapping his face.

"Noah, stay with me don't— Tell them he's fucking bleeding!" Lolani snaps full of frustration and distress.

Noah shift his eyes from Lolani to the floor for some reason, only then noticing his stained sweatpants and the puddle of blood by his feet. He looks back up at Lolani before feeling his entire body go numb. His eyes feel extremely heavy and before he knows it darkness is all he sees and silence is all he hears.

and thats that
this might be my last update for a while

- was Noah wrong for provoking Princeton?

fool for youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora