Chapter Twenty Three

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[Third Person...]

Outside of your cell, it was night time. Everyone had gone to bed as there was nothing they can do.

Wanda stood awake in the room you both once had shared. She laid restless as she turned from side to side trying to fall asleep but her thoughts only ever went back to you.

Tony was the same as was Pepper, they laid in their bed discussing things at the matter.

"Do you think we'll get her back?" Pepper asks her husband

"Of course... don't worry about that. We have it under control. Bruce is watching her, I'm sure Wanda has her guard up. My suit is ready if anyone tries to attack." He expressed, Pepper nods.

"You, and little Morgan need to stop worrying so much. We'll get her back, I won't stop until we do." He continues, referring to the little bump that was now growing of his wife's belly.

"Do you think she'll be happy when we tell her?" Pepper asks

"Of course! She'll be ecstatic... I hope, this is her baby sister... or brother. I'm sure she'll be crazy over them." He nods trying to convince himself.

"I just hope this baby won't make It's way in the world before she has the chance to find out." He says, Pepper sighs before wiping her tired eyes and turning over. Tony does the same.

Meanwhile in the cell room, your door was locked tightly. There was no stepping in or out, unless you were Bruce, or Tony. Bruce was stood next to your cell at the controls holding his iPad in his hand trying to figure things out in his own head to help you.

But he hears a small whisper, he turns but sees no one. The whisper was gone, so he gets back to doing his work.

He heard it again and tried to turn, still, no one there.

When he hears the whisper again, he tries to do something about it but is met with a stinging on his neck.

"Agh!" He yells, he rubs his neck a bit trying to figure out what could have caused him to feel such pain. Both Wanda, and Tony heard him yell in pain from their rooms and hurriedly rushed to the cell room.

Bruce starts to feel weird, and angry, although he was not turning green.

His attention quickly turns to you, and the blood that ran through his veins only boiled upon seeing you stir.

"Hey!" He yelled at you

"Wake up!" He yells again, your eyes open, already red as can be. You tilt your head a bit with a smirk but stay silent.

"You fucking bitch, ever since you got here we have had nothing but trouble! You hear me?!" He screams quickly opening the cell door, not realizing he had grabbed a gun that was sat on the counter on his way in.

The gun was only placed there as a safety precaution, for everyone. You stood up from your bed and walked towards the angry man.

"I'll put you down before you become even more of a problem." Bruce says angrily as he cocks the gun and aims it towards your head. Everyone looked at him in shock.

"D-dad, he's going to shoot me." You say in a fake shaky voice. Bruce didn't care to look behind him, Wanda and Tony had rushed in to see what all the commotion was about.

"A-are you going to let him shoot me, dad?" You speak again. Tony didn't know what to do at first, he needed information on how this came to be, a teammate aiming a gun towards his daughter. Tony was tired, confused, and quickly became angry but stayed level headed.

"Put the gun down, Bruce. Before someone gets hurt." Tony says slowly walking towards him. Wanda was fearful to lose you, she already had her hands leaking her red powers through her fingertips as she was ready to fight for you, even against her own team mate, even if it wasn't you in your own mind at the moment. She was willing to gamble for the person she was fighting for, she knew you were still in there somewhere... somehow.

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