chapter twelve

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Past, 4 Weeks Ago...

When I had gotten back to the warehouse it was already one thirty in the afternoon, father wasn't home yet, so I allowed myself a bit of a workout to clear my head.

I hadn't even heard him come in when I was on the bench in the corner doing bench presses with a long heavy bar that contained two hundred pounds.

Just as I was about to bring the bar back up I seen him get behind me. I look up towards him, he looked stern.

"Location." He says more as a statement than a question.

"I-I, I couldn't find her." I lie as I went to bring the bar back down, drip passing my temple. He gave a bit of an evil chuckle before pressing down on the bar before I could bring it back up allowing it to remain at my neck blocking my airway.

"Now, what have I said about lying?" She smirks pressing the bar more firmly.

"Don't make me ask you again, what is her location before I- BEAT IT OUT OF YOU!" He yells pressing it more causing me to grunt before I yell out. "THE AVENGERS COMPOUND, SHE-SHES WITH THE AVENGERS!" I struggle to speak out.

He loosens his grip allowing my face to go back to its natural color as I cough and struggle to get a breath in putting the bar on its rest and sitting up, my chest and lungs in an immense amount of pain from the lack of air.

"See? Now was that so hard?" He asks with a smirk

"What are you going to do?" I ask breathing heavily rubbing the part of my throat that had just withheld a weighted bar.

"That's none of your business." He says sternly making me flinch the smirk quickly being wiped off his face.

"I need you to bring her back." He says walking away towards the opposite wall where the calendar and dart board hung off of. Grabbing a dart off the board.

"You have until the day this dart lands on" his smug smile coming back.

He backs up, closing his eyes and throws it.

"Oh look at that, landed just a day before your birthdays. Happy birthday to you, son." He says winking.

"I don't see why we can't just leave her alone!" I yell, I felt myself begin to get angry. I stood up, feeling the electric anklet that laid tightly locked on my ankle, it began to beep. Calvin, my father, put it on my ankle soon after finding out of my abilities, he turns it off when need be, but other than that it zaps me when it feels I'm getting too worked up. I try to calm myself before anything to avoid it, the zap felt like a surge of electricity coursing through my body. But unfortunately I couldn't stop myself this time from my rising anger, soon enough it zapped me full force knocking me off my feet landing on the floor near the bench.

"Why? Why?! First off, there is no 'we' here, do I need to remind you who's in charge here? Mister sisters protector" i grunted and groaned lol in response still focus'd on the pain I felt, it usually stays for a while a day or two. It causes an immense amount of pain. Sometimes if he was feeling even more vile, he'd continue zapping me. I see him reaching into his pocket pulling out a remote. It seemed like that's what he planned to do today. I braced myself.

"I call the shots" zap "i make the rules" zap "i run things here" zap "not" zap "you." zap

By the end of his last sentence I was screaming in pain as the last zap's electricity surged through me, causing me to sob, tears rolling down my cheeks.

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