Chapter two

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[an: sorry for the update notification loves, I am currently fixing a few things in the story to help match up what I'm trying to do. I have a lot to edit, in order to fit. So please do not mind the updates that may happen in the next few days. I will try my best to keep them to a minimum, thanks loves..] ok..

The next day..

Pepper decided she needed some time with you so she asked for you to come along doing some errands, although Pepper has her own assistant, they usually do not even use you as an assistant except for things that are personal and they need a person they trust to deal with. As in, files for the Avengers, or dealing with personal business files.

"Alright, so how was time with Tony?" She asks you as your both riding in the back of a black sedan that Happy, yours and the Starks' personal security guard was driving.

"It was good, he finally took me to the Avengers compound gym!" You say pretty excited, Pepper takes notice to the glint in your eye. She usually sees it when you feel a lot of joy. It isn't normal, so she enjoys it while she can.

"He did? Did you meet any of the guys?" She says referring to the rest of the Avengers.

"I did, I met Natasha, and...Wanda." You say, pretending to forget Wanda's name so Pepper wouldn't take so much notice to the blush on your cheeks as you said her name.

"Mm, the one you have a crush on?" She says says smiling down at her phone.

"I knew Tony wouldn't let it go." You say with the blush growing bigger, covering your face so Pepper wouldn't press on the subject further.

She just chuckles and shakes her head saying, "it's okay to still form crushes, your twenty. You are both adults, if any of you consider to make the first move." She says looking up from her phone and giving you a soft smile.

You just nod your head reciprocating the smile, before looking out towards the window.

"Have you considered what I told you before?" She asks very cautiously, you sigh knowing your answer, and rethinking of the question she had asked you. Pepper asked you a while back if you wanted to search for a person who was in your life who decided one day to up and leave, leaving you to endure the pain ten times worse. You get a pang in your chest each time she asks, it makes you feel as you over stayed your welcome. It makes you want to run.

"I told you before, she wants nothing to do with me." You say with a low tone, watching the trees pass by as the car drives along.

"I don't think that's true." She says putting her hand on top of yours. You yank it away aggressively.

"Why does it matter? Do you guys want me gone? If that's so, I can just leave." You say with hurt in your voice. You try to control your breathing like Tony taught you to, to calm yourself down.

"Y/n, you know that is not what I'm trying to do here, I just thought you would want to speak to her." She says putting her hand on your shoulder to try and comfort you. But it was already done, your overthinking was already invading your thoughts. Your anger was taking a hold of you. Before you both knew it, you were in front of the compound. So you jump out of the car to not lash out at Pepper, you knew she means well. You just hate to be reminded of those who left you for dead.

You walk into the compound looking pretty angry, those living there took notice to it. Just as you were about to pass the hallway towards the gym, Steve stops you. You just look up at him, not knowing what to do, but already having frustration fueling your veins.

"I'm sorry, I don't think we met." He says smiling, and a confused chuckle. Your annoyed expression has you rubbing your eyes with one hand and putting your hand on ur hip with the other. Pepper comes in after you, and sees Thor sitting down on the couch, Cap in front of you, and Bucky in the kitchen all with the same confused expression on their faces.

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