Chapter Sixteen

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[Third Person...]

Wanda was the first to wake up, Y/n's arms were tightly wrapped around her waist as Wanda laid on her back. Her hands made fists around her shirt as if she was scared to let go as if Wanda would disappear.

Wanda laid there thinking about what they could do in order to control Y/n and her powers without angering her. They were in different territory now in her phase, it was very new what they were experiencing with Y/n and her powers. What made this harder was the only people that could help her wanted to either kill her, or they were already dead.

"Miss Maximoff, you are being requested in the laboratory." Wanda heard Friday inform her, she sighs before withering out of your touch, and kissing your head lovingly before getting ready and heading towards the lab. When she got to the lab Tony and Bruce were already there waiting for her, as well as Pepper. All with their arms crossed.

"You called for me?" She asks

"Yes, what do you think should we try with y/n?" Tony asks her

"I obviously haven't been around as much as I've liked, and things have changed with my daughter since the last time I have spent time with her, you are consistently with her... what do you think we should do?" He explains

"I think we should try... god- i don't know." She says rubbing her temple

"I still believe the cell is our best choice." Bruce intervenes

"Shut up about the damn cell already!" Wanda yells

"Okay! Enough!" Tony yelled silencing the witch and the giant.

"You don't like the cell option, then that's crossed out, what about the anklet?" Tony asks the young witch

"No, a absolutely not." Wanda shakes her head as she crosses her arms.

"Oh my fucking god." Bruce says throwing his arms in the air from frustration and irritation towards your girlfriend.

"Then what do you expect us to do, Wanda?! Enlighten us!" He says frustratingly, Tony and Pepper look toward Wanda who seemed to be deep in thought.

"We try out training, and meditation. It's what helped me, and if that doesn't work and things get out of hand then... get the cell ready." Wanda sighs.

Bruce speaks a bit softer than before.

"That- that is actually a good idea." He admits, Tony sighs in relief.

"Alright, It's settled then. We'll try with the meditation and working out, and if all else fails to the bunker she goes, everyone in agreement?" He asks the doctor, his wife, and daughters girlfriend. Everyone nods.

"Good, let's get her up, fed, and started with debriefing on her situation." Tony claps making his way to the kitchen with Pepper to start cooking breakfast for the Avengers.

Just as Wanda was about to leave the room, not wanting to speak to the arrogant green doctor he spoke up.

"Wanda..." he said warily, Wanda turns around to face him, and he looks down in guilt.

"I-I just wanted to apologize... for the words I had said yesterday. I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did..." he spoke

"No, you're right. I was a danger to society, and sometimes still am... but I will be damned if I ever hear you speak down on Y/n Stark. Do you hear me Bruce? I won't hesitate to throw you across the room just as easily as she did." Wanda says before starting to walk out of the room once again. But she was stopped by Bruce once again.

Broken • Wanda Maximoff wlw Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz