Chapter four

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The anger surged through my veins as I see my brother laying there on his back, he was motionless.

All I could do was scream. I felt the fire in my heart grow, soon enough it was no longer metaphorically, the fire exploded through my hands, as I screamed my lungs out. The avengers all sprinting towards me. But nothing was going to help. The fire beneath me surges through the grass engulfing it, it spread like a wild fire. The only person able to stop it was me. But I had no motive towards doing so.

My veins were lit in an orange color, the tears in my eyes streamed as I tried to bring air into my lungs.

Everything from this moment on happened in slow motion.

I tried to stop myself, but could only March towards everyone else. The other avengers. I began fighting them with all of my being. Starting with Bucky, then Sam, one by one they all fell under my strength.

Cap tried to calm me, "your better than this y/n, please! Stop!" He yells holding his shield infront of him to stop the fire. I couldn't, I lost everything. My biological parents never wanted me, my only brother was now dead. I disappointed Tony and Pepper. The only one left was Wanda, but she was bound to leave too. The only thing left to do was fight, until someone killed me.

"NO!" Is all you heard coming from your own mouth, as you sat up in your bed. You panted as sweat dripped from your skin to the sheets below you. You had no idea where you were for a few minutes until you looked around the room, you were in the compound.

You had moved in a few days after the dinner, this was only your second day at the compound, but you seem to be having nightmares when you fall asleep.

Tony isn't here to help you with them either, Your all alone. Again.

Y/n gets out of bed to walk to the kitchen for a glass of water, you haven't slept for two days now. But you were not about to tell anyone this, afraid it would get you kicked off the team, or made you seem weak.

When you reach the kitchen you open the fridge door to grab a glass bottle of water. You walk towards the bar to sit down.

You rub your eyes trying to rub the sleep off of them. But it was no use. You were exhausted, from the day of training you had the day prior, to helping Tony in the lab.

But there was no way you were going to fall back asleep, you were too afraid. You turn your head to look at the clock only to see it's barely two in the morning. Tony had sent you off to bed barely an hour ago.

He had left to go back home, your home. His home. You put your head down for a minute, before deciding you would just have to make your time up useful.

You head back towards your room, and sit on the desk that was in the corner overlooking the compound garden. You grab a pen and start jotting down your thoughts, soon enough you weren't writing anymore. Somewhere in the process of writing you started drawing, a portrait.

The portrait had much detail in it, you kept drawing aimlessly until you saw the sun up. You look at the clock to see it's now eight o'clock, you look back down at your drawing to see it wasn't anything random, or scribbles.

The drawing was Wanda, Wanda Maximoff.

Her hair was down, and she was wearing a black top, and a long sleeve jacket seemingly to be the same outfit y/n met her in.

The drawing did not do Wanda's beauty any justice, but never the less. It was her, clear as day.

Y/n put the drawing under a book in her room to avoid anyone walking in and seeing it, especially Wanda.

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