Chapter six

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When y/n gets to the hallway she is figuring out what she is going to tell Bucky without hurting him even more.

She honestly did not want it to come to this.

When she gets to the room with the metal arm symbol in front, Tony, Of course. She knocked.

"Uh, Come in" he says hesitantly from the other side.

You slowly open the door your heart pounding from all of yours nerves.

"Buck.. I uh-" you say shutting the door behind you.

"I'm sorry." You say causing you to slowly lift up your cheeks causing the top of them to form tiny dimples.

"No- Ah, really, It's okay." He says smiling at you.

"No, It's not Buck. I should have been honest from the start and told you that I wasn't straight... or bi." You say

He just half smiles at you, as a way of comfort. He did not look as upset as he first did, but he could be masking it all as well.

"Your good y/n, really. I had a feeling, I was just too... hard headed to not at least try" he says chuckling a bit.

"What do you mean you had a feeling?" You say playfully now pushing yourself off the door. "There is no way I give off that vibe." You say once more, clarifying.

He looks at you knowingly, twisting the computer chair. "You literally only wear Nike" he says

"It's my favorite brand!"

"Yea sure, but constantly? And when you wear sweats with a sports bra, your hair is always in a bun, and a headband, you literally sag a bit to show off your Nike boxers sometimes! You scream gay! Especially in that outfit!" He laughs

"I do not!" You say defensively but laughing through it

"You know where your hands constantly are? Your pockets, know where they are now?" He smirks

You look down to see they yet again, were in your pockets, you pull them out quickly rubbing your palms together tipping your feet to your tippy toes then back down to your soles. Looking around his room chuckling to yourself for a second.

You look at him and wave him off with your hand opening the door, "whatever" you say playfully, you shut the door but not before popping your head back in to clarify.

"And their not boxers! Or Nike! Their Calvin Klein" you say walking away, once again he screams 'gay!' You just laugh before retorting back.

"Takes one to know one!"

You walk back towards your room to finally see if you could possibly get any rest you could, but as you were approaching you seen that your room door was cracked open, indicating someone was inside.

You slowly open it a bit more to see Nat standing there gawking at your room in horror, the mess you had left before your run had stayed exactly the same.

She turns over to look at you, her eyebrows furrowed.

"What the hell happened in here?" She asks in a bit of a yell

"I uh- I seen a rat" you say shrugging and hopping onto your still messy bed.

"We don't have rats in the compound" she says crossing her arms

"Well now you do" you say shrugging grabbing the book at lied on your bed next to your flopping through the pages.

"Where did you even go this morning?" She asks

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